Inconsequential Question of the Day
At my work, there is one bathroom. We have two roll-holders which are the normal roll holders, not those industrial-sized movie-theater mega-rolls. We, the employees, refill the TP rolls as we see fit from a closet near the bathroom.
Let’s say you are in the bathroom, engaging in normal bathroom business of the variety you’d engage in if you are not a strangely repressed politician at an airport. One roll appears to be, say, 80% full, and the other, 20%.
Which do you pull from? My answer in comments.
Clearly, pull from the smaller roll. The people who pulled before you may know something you don’t.
Larger roll. I feel less guilty about the next person having to replace it. SO MUCH GUILT!!!
Smaller roll for the reasons you describe.
GREAT question! I would definitely go with the bigger role because it’s newer and has spent less time in a public bathroom – ewwwww!
…wait, you’re supposed to use the paper?!?
Always take from the smaller roll.
Always smaller roll. Less rolling resistance and therefore, less likelihood that the paper will rip inadvertently.
larger roll. i don’t need the pressure of being the person who almost emptied the roll.
Wow. My friends are all insane! 😉
tug from the smaller role . . . and as a side note: i took inspiration from the photo and now have the empty rolls in the downstairs bathroom* coupled with markers. (the idea is that while you’re “there” you can make your own do-hickies and then pin them to the walls with the tumbtacks i’ve provided. =)
*the downstairs bathroom also has a basket full of books like “everyone poops”, “the gas we pass”, “walter the farting dog” and “that’s disgusting” . . . =)
LOL @ Angie! That’s so hilarious. And so appropriate. 🙂
Instinctively, I pull from the bigger roll. But I’ve been thinking that the more reasonable thing to do is to pull from the smaller roll. And as a group, we should all do the same thing.
The reasoning is that if one is super-duper close to empty, or actually runs empty, two things are going on:
1. Thank goodness, there is still another almost full roll. Almost all possible emergency scenarios are covered by this backup.
2. There is a high probability that someone, possibly me, puts a new roll in the empty rollholder or on the tank if the lower one is not actually empty. Doubly covered.
If everyone tries to equalize in their *cough* business tractions, there is some higher probability that you’ll have two very low rolls without backups. This can’t cover *all* feasible emergency situations. And sometimes, rolls are lower than they appear. Oh the horror.