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Conferences I want to attend

January 23, 2009   

I’m going to She’s Geeky next Friday! Anyone else? I’d also like to go to the following:

I am going to actually make an attempt to attend some of these at some point. Are there any others any of you would recommend? Any that any of you are going to? She’s Geeky is a relative bargain at $69 for a day, $119 (I think) for two days. Register by tomorrow if you are going! It’s in Mountain View.

January 24, 2009 at 3:18 pm

I might go to BlogHer and pay for it out of my training budget since my agency IS all about social media. 🙂

January 24, 2009 at 3:19 pm

Nevermind – it’s in Chicago in July. I can’t stand that much humidity. If it was in SF I’d go. Alas.

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