Pixelated Skeletor
We had our 20 week ultrasound today. It was exciting because we got to see the baby wiggle around in there quite a bit as the technician searched for various bits. This is how it came down:
- Hands: 2
- Arms: 2
- Legs: 2
- Feet: 2
- Heart: 1, 4-chambered
- Kidneys: 2
- Spine: 1, with lots of neat cross-sectional views
- Brain: 1, with lots of neat cross-sectional views
- Face: OMG, it’s Skeletor! Profile is cute, but straight on is a skull-face, which is to be expected in an bw ultrasound
- Umbilical cord: 1, attached in the right place, 3-cord
It looks like everything is good! From a femur measurement, they told us that the baby is at 20 weeks and 1 day, not 19 weeks and 6 days as I had thought, so I’ll move up the ticker to October 5th, 2009 as the estimated due date, not that two days really matter much.
Except now we are suddenly pastรย the 50% mark! OMG! WHAT?!
We are just so relieved that the baby appears in all ways to be healthy and growing normally. The baby is estimated to be at about 11 ounces. That’s lighter than a biggish cup of coffee. Heh. It was also surprising to see how crowded things looked in there. When we last saw the baby, it probably only took up like 1/3 to 1/2 the space and I don’t know if I could see the placenta very well. It looked like space baby floating in space land. Now, the placenta is huge (like 1/4 to 1/3 of all the “real estate” *cough*) and the baby easily takes up far more than half the space.
Must I?!
I’ll wait to make a public announcement until the in-laws are notified first. ๐
Gender! You must tell me gender! ๐