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More awesomeness

June 10, 2009   

I already mentioned that people are awesome, and they continue to be awesome. We’ve received an adorable bath set from our friends J, R, and A in Arizona, and the diaper shipment from our friends S & V in Connecticut has arrived!

The grand-parents-to-be on the husband’s side have sent over cute pictures of the husband and promised to send over nice pics of them that we can frame and hang up on the wall for the kiddo to see everyday when they are not visiting. I need to ask my family for the same. They also seem to have gone shopping for the kid. 🙂 Please, if you are reading this, don’t buy too much!

My family is going to send over some hand-me-downs, as is my best friend’s older sister, who had a son in January. Our friends H & S said we can borrow their awesome infant carseat when their son outgrows it, just in time for our baby’s ETA!

Just as when we got married, we are so surrounded by a supportive community of family and friends, who help us in both tangible and intangible ways, with hardware we can use for the baby and with emotional support when we are worried, and some even with some muscle-power to move heavy things like the filing cabinet (thanks S!).

Was I stressed last week? Yeah. But after talking with Seppo, seeing the house take shape, and signing up for one of the three classes we plan to take, I feel a sense of ease and well-being this week.

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