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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-04

October 4, 2009   
  • I'm at Lucky & Lucky Restaurant (1116 Franklin Street, Oakland). #
  • @veraciousjess So bummed to have missed it. Seppo did all the work and I fell asleep. 🙁 in reply to veraciousjess #
  • @bcaudill I loved that movie! in reply to bcaudill #
  • @aaa Happy birthday! 🙂 in reply to aaa #
  • One week (or one week and two days, depending on which date I use) left until due date. Baby could be here at literally any moment now. :O #
  • One hour massage followed by phone call with best friend. Yay! #
  • What a beautiful day. So nice after last week's stifling heat. #
  • @so_yun Due either Monday or Wednesday, depending on how you count it. 🙂 Feeling like a whale! in reply to so_yun #
  • @so_yun Next week! 🙂 in reply to so_yun #
  • An interview with @helava: RT @WordAce: An interview on the development of Word Ace on Palm's developer blog! #
  • @so_yun I love This American Life. I hadn't listened to that episode yet, but it sounds like a good one! in reply to so_yun #
  • The walk that used to take Mobi and me 10 minutes now takes close to 30 minutes to complete. Yikes! #
  • I'm at Trader Joe's Oakland-Lakeshore (3250 Lakeshore Ave, Lake Park, Oakland). #
  • @AngryChad I keep expecting to see photos of my dog, Mobi. 🙂 in reply to AngryChad #
  • Just finished the last of the birth classes. Glad to have our evenings free again, if only for a very, very short time. 😀 #
  • Crappy night of sleep counting frequent yet irregular & painless contractions. They are not getting more intense/regular, so not in labor. #
  • Korean comfort food for lunch: rice & fried eggs sprinkled with some soy sauce and sesame oil, accompanied by some seaweed. #
  • Play it now! Hold 'em + Scrabble-like play! RT @WordAce: Word Ace on Facebook: #
  • Yes, you can. 🙂 RT @MJ: Tomorrow is 10.1 (lol) Talk like a Lolcat day!!! I can has retweets? #
  • Despite all the "practice" contractions yesterday, doctor confirmed there is no dilation. Somewhat disappointing. #
  • @canida Awesome! Alternating between crying and laughing is a particular talent for kids, if kids in my family are any indication. 🙂 in reply to canida #
  • Unreasonably upset from reading a letter. #
  • Maybe I'll try to make some authentic Philly cheesesteaks this week. Hmm. #
  • @abeldanger @patrick_ellis @rachelolimb Ooh, pics! Wish I was there! in reply to abeldanger #
  • Finally finished BSG. Rather unsatisfying. #
  • Will be trying to get a flu shot at the local Walgreens today. Will try CVS/Longs after that if it is too crowded or something. #
  • @JustPete74 Agreed. The wrap ups were both too tidy and not at all tidy at the same time. Frustrating. in reply to JustPete74 #
  • What?! RT @StephDecker: This pisses me off. Come on Dems, stop being such pansies. Abstinence only funding, really!? #
  • I feel like I had a decent amount of energy last week, but this week, it's all gone. #
  • Time to eat lunch. Better late than never! Then off to track down a flu shot. #
  • Ha! Made of awesome. RT @luciuskwok: Bwitter: like Twitter, except you're only allowed to be angry. Or be from Philly. #
  • At Walgreen's, waiting for merc- & preservative-free flu shot. There is an older woman in line with boxes of latex gloves & diet coke. ??? #
  • Foursquare keeps checking me in at the wrong places. At least it'll help foil my stalkers. #
  • I just unlocked the "Local" badge on @foursquare! #
  • @SwanL So very MacGuyver of you. Did you sport a glorious mullet in tribute? 🙂 in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL Maybe so! I'm amazed by your ability to be in two states at once. Not that I can verify your supposed AZ presence… Hmm… in reply to SwanL #
  • Any opinions on the geotagging capabilities of the Eye-fi SD cards? I am thinking of getting one that geotags and uploads videos. #
  • Played WordAce on iPhone earlier in the evening w a really fun group of strangers, played more just now on Facebook w @helava & friend. 🙂 #
  • Just made a reservation for Commis for tomorrow night. The chef was Chef de Cuisine at Manresa! Can't wait! #
  • @RobZograph @helava has that shirt. 🙂 in reply to RobZograph #
  • @aaa Not yet. They say it'll become available this coming week, they think. in reply to aaa #
  • I believe I've just taken Mobi on my last possible daily walk for a long time. Took 35 min to go ~0.7miles, which equals 1.2 mph. #
  • Just made contact w a dog walker who might be able to help us the first few weeks after the baby arrives. Hoping the consultation goes well! #
  • @SwanL We have a treadmill that my dog is deathly terrified of. Heh. He's such a wimp! 😀 in reply to SwanL #
  • @helava What time? You can go after dinner. 🙂 in reply to helava #
  • Afternoon nap foiled by it being just too too too hot. I can't wait until mild weather stops affecting me like it's blazing summer heat. #
  • The baby is staging his prison break, as far as I can tell: #
  • Agreed with @helava that Commis was awesome. We are going back tomorrow. So great to have a restaurant of that caliber so close by. #
  • @westcoastbill For real? I can't tell if you ate joking. And for the record, no, I would not buy her book. 🙂 in reply to westcoastbill #
  • Happy Chuseok to my Korean and Korean American friends! #
  • @luciuskwok Sounds like a perfect evening. 🙂 in reply to luciuskwok #

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