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December 2009

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20

December 20, 2009   
  • Great. H1N1 vaccines available through the county and our pediatrician on Saturday and we missed them again. Fail. #
  • I am pretty sure this Paula Deen bread pudding I'm making is going to be too sweet. Will find out soon. #
  • Baby laughed out loud (yes, LOLed) for the first time yesterday as @helava airplaned him around. It was amazing. #
  • Stucco people are here today. We are getting close to the end of construction! #
  • Water has been turned off all day. Not sure why, so was going to ask contractor but no one is around. Mysterious indeed. #
  • Given how I generally dress and the fact baby is now in a Calvin Klein sleepsack, I'm sure I'll get mistaken for his nanny one day. Heh. #
  • @eisfore Will do! 🙂 in reply to eisfore #
  • LOLing baby! He's so amused by the mobile. 😀 #
  • RT @TheLXD: Wow, Joss Whedon lists LXD as the #2 thing that has truly made him happy this year! Thanks Joss!!!! #
  • Yes, I am watching Sing Off. #
  • @Glennia Total and utter nerdapalooza indeed! 🙂 in reply to Glennia #
  • Huh, interesting. RT @NBB1: RT @patkiernan: Younger looking people live longer. [AP] report on Danish DNA study. #
  • Woot! RT @ActuallyNPH: D.C. approves marriage equality in an 11-2 vote. Heading to Congress. It's a good day. #
  • The new wordpress iPhone app is much better than the last one. Like! #
  • @amanofallmen Heh, our family is full of procrastinators. Congrats on getting the scholarship, smartypants!!! in reply to amanofallmen #
  • @NBB1 Arguing with yourself is fruitless. in reply to NBB1 #
  • Baby got his first shots. Sad to see him stuck with such large needles! 🙁 #
  • @amanofallmen I'm 8 years older than you and I still have issues. Heh. Even my mom proscrastinates still! 🙂 in reply to amanofallmen #
  • I am very proud of my cousin for pursuing and getting the fleet reserve scholarship! Woot! #
  • Our almost two-month-old is 24" tall, weighs 12lbs 10ozs, with a head just under 16" in circumference. #
  • @NBB1 Please send over a slice or ten. Thanks! in reply to NBB1 #
  • @bcaudill Have you read the Karen Moning series? in reply to bcaudill #
  • Via @NBB1 "The Web's Most Illogical Arguments": #
  • Adorable! RT @StephDecker: Too Cute! — Mark Salling's (Puck) Tribute to his Glee Family #
  • Must think of meaningful, lasting, personal gifts for my nieces and nephew. Barring that, whatever Amazon will ship by Christmas. Next week! #
  • Poor bebe has been cranky and sleepy all day. He still managed to muster up some good mood and smiles for me. What a good little guy. #
  • Pleasantly surprised to see that Supernanny is a really positive show rather than an exploitative trainwreck. #
  • Playing w baby, paying bills, and shopping for Xmas presents all at the same time. Ordering @helava's present now! 🙂 #
  • Re: my last update: WOW, to no one's surprise, that didn't work out even a little bit. Heh. #
  • Mission accomplished: @helava's present ordered, will arrive before Xmas, and I even found a coupon. Where's my glorious banner? #
  • @NBB1 Conspiracy. in reply to NBB1 #
  • @aaa Isn't that regifting? in reply to aaa #
  • @hja So wonderful! I was bursting with every emotion when our baby smiled for the first time. 🙂 in reply to hja #
  • @Ryuhi Awwww! Adorable! in reply to Ryuhi #
  • @drspam But why does everything look so crappy in the ads? in reply to drspam #
  • Just learned that the baby goes back to sleep faster if I spin around with him rather than rock him. Heh. #
  • @AngryChad What is Sink Ham? in reply to AngryChad #
  • @StephDecker Wow, those look amazing! #
  • The more I learn about my baby and the more I hear from others with babies, the more I realize my mom really is the world's foremost expert! #
  • I am not joking about my last tweet. She could probably raise 40 babies at once. Time for me to eat humble pie. She's gonna say told you so! #
  • The semifinals for American Ninja Warrior were great; the finals were stupid and completely irrelevant. Some of the best got cut. #
  • @NBB1 I'm gonna get knocked up again right now just to use that name. Brb. in reply to NBB1 #
  • Failed to note baby is now two months old. It's been quite a journey. #

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