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Hit and run post
Baby & Seppo are sleeping. I should go to sleep as well soon.
It’s the new year. Lots of crazy things happened at the end of the year, much of it negative. I didn’t get to do a retrospective and a resolution post. This won’t be one either.
I do have a couple of to-dos I took care of tonight though. I paid some bills. I bought a ticket for my mom to come out for the baby’s baek-il (100th day celebration) later this month. I started an evite for it, but realized I need to get a guest list together before I send it out.
Things I still have to do: finish the thank you notes from the baby shower, and include a small photo of the baby. I wish I had everyone’s physical addresses on file, so I’ve very slowly been gathering them. The influx of Christmas cards helped, but it just reminded me that I’d like to start sending out Christmas cards as well.
I’ve also been working my way through a will & trust estate planning packet, which I had started before Thanksgiving but never finished. This would be good to finish before the week is up. You don’t want things like that hanging over your head.
The baby is just about 10 weeks old. He’s changing like crazy everyday. He babbles up a storm every morning, after every nap, and any time I try to engage him in conversation. He’s very game. 🙂 He is trying to use his hands now. I don’t think he quite understands what is going on with his appendages, but he’s quite curious.
When you engage him on his activity mat with his feet near a post, he’ll get excited seeing the effects of kicking at the post — the entire set of dangly toys move! He stares at his feet while wiggling his toes. When you put something in his hands, he instinctively pulls it close to his mouth. He used to just touch his hands to his mouth, then he started to suck on his fingers/half his fists, and now he’s interested in getting other things in there.
He didn’t use to drool until about a week or a week and a half ago, but now any time he is intently staring at something or trying to bring it to his mouth, he starts to drool. Haha, what a goofball! Today, he laughed out loud when Seppo blew on his belly! And when I kissed his cheeks! Aww, the small little moments, they make my day.
I spend so much time with him trying to read him that I’m pretty decent at figuring out if he’s bored or hungry or tired or has a wet diaper. I think Seppo’s getting a little bit sad to find himself less adept at interpreting the cries, since he has less time with him during the day, but he’s doing great in every way. Seppo continues to give me morning breaks any time he can, bonding with the baby while giving me some luxurious sleeping-in time.
I am trying to brainstorm some ideas for work when I have free mental cycles. I had an idea earlier today and I forgot to write it down! Crap, I think I forgot. Ha.
This year, a lot of our friends are getting married. P&C, K&N, and A&K are all getting married in June! Wow! C&S are getting married on 10/10/10. 🙂 We hope to be able to travel to their weddings.
My sister, her husband, and their two daughters want to visit the Bay Area sometime in the summer as a vacation as well as to meet their new relative. I wish my son could grow up near his cousins! I loved having my cousins around when I was growing up.
Yikes, it’s late. I better get to bed. I wish I could remember what the work idea was. D’oh.