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May 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

May 9, 2010   
  • So awesome! RT @SwanL: I bet I could build an awesome Couch Fort! RT @GOODfeed Design Critiques of Couch Forts #
  • @AngryChad My green tea is in fact mostly green colored. in reply to AngryChad #
  • I checked in at Pamplemousse Patisserie et Cafe (2401 Broadway Street) on #Yelp #
  • @StephDecker @AngryChad Happy anniversary! in reply to StephDecker #
  • @SwanL I was couch-dancing to Can't Touch This last night. Oh, those pants… in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL Yeah, I don't get it. Also don't get why some of the faces were those who were specifically bad partners. in reply to SwanL #
  • @Ddrah Happy birthday to them both! Had no idea the days were so close together. in reply to Ddrah #
  • Happy Cinco de Mayo and Children's Day! Don't let your kids get too drunk. 😉 #
  • @Ryuhi Lol!!!! in reply to Ryuhi #
  • @SwanL Once when I was 15, I busted out the dance while walking down what I had thought was an empty street… only it wasn't. in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL Not at the time… But I did have the pants, which I frequently paired with a Rhythm Nation-style jacket and Debbie Gibson bangs. in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL I was caught up in several conflicting cultural paradigms. in reply to SwanL #
  • The only two people I know in AZ (@abeldanger and @SwanL) both mentioned Joe's BBQ tonight. I wonder if it was the same one. #
  • @eisfore I wish you worked for us. Heheh. in reply to eisfore #
  • Let's play We Rule on the iPhone! My gamername is 'ebeastie'. #
  • My head exploded! RT @TheLXD: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! LXD and Glee are hitting the road together! Come watch us live!!! #
  • Attended our first parent-teacher conference this morning. It was very nice. #
  • @StephDecker I realized shortly after tweeting that they aren't coming here either! :'( I am hoping they add new dates/venues. in reply to StephDecker #
  • @mwilh @NBB1 I was going to tweet about putting it off, but I put off tweeting and here we are. /meta in reply to mwilh #
  • Oh no. House problems again. Heart sinking. #
  • @bcaudill What @helava said. Bleh… Just got it fixed, too. in reply to bcaudill #
  • Feeling lightheaded and barfy from feeling suckerpunched. Hopefully, repairs won't be too expensive but the unexpectedness is getting to me. #
  • These prices are unreal. RT @citymama: European airfare drops up to 68%. Now is the time to plan your trips! #
  • @hja Happy birthday! #
  • @NBB1 He does this every 5-10 years though so it worries me. It's always an easy slide for him. in reply to NBB1 #
  • @veraciousjess Did you go to Jaguar Karaoke? Fin times! in reply to veraciousjess #
  • @NBB1 I kind of want to see the damage. I hope it cleans up & heals nicely. in reply to NBB1 #
  • What?! I just bought Taste of Joy BBQ gift certificates and just read on yelp they are closing. WHY?! #
  • Hmm. Nurseline recommended @helava go to an urgent care facility about his persistent headache. Worried, but glad we called. #
  • @SwanL A really low-grade one for two weeks, low enough that he often forgot about it, so we hadn't thought it was serious until (1/2) in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL stopping to think about how long it had been. He's off to urgent care now. It's nervewracking not to be with him. in reply to SwanL #
  • @NBB1 @helava Must you guys do *everything* together? Seriously, even the ER within minutes of each other? I'd laugh if I weren't worried. in reply to NBB1 #
  • @SwanL Me too. Plus not enough sleep and going through a cold all seem to point to a benign source. in reply to SwanL #
  • @NBB1 I always look. I can't help it. My own wounds don't freak me out though, just other people's. I hope yours gets good care! in reply to NBB1 #
  • @SwanL None of those symptoms, thank goodness. Any of those would have been alarming enough that I'd have taken him in myself, baby and all. in reply to SwanL #
  • @SwanL Thanks for the reassurance though. Good to get a professional's viewpoint. in reply to SwanL #
  • Glad at @helava is back from ER, armed with instructions and painkillers. Now, he's having "meat" & "potatoes". #
  • It can't be good to get so much sodium in one shot but oh well. #
  • @SwanL Indeed, a fun fact! in reply to SwanL #

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