Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06
June 6, 2010
- Transgendered view, before & after: RT @eric_mazur: RT @riveters Interesting (and sad) piece on gender bias in science: #
- @NBB1 I really wish I hadn't read that. That is genuinely horrific. in reply to NBB1 #
- Undercooked the potatoes, dropped a sous-vide egg in the sink, burned 9 slices of bacon into a charred mess. Breakfast fail! #
- Cut the burnt parts off the bacon, popped the potatoes in the microwave, and had the other egg with truffle oil, olive oil, vinegar, salt. #
- Awesome husband makes raised bed for grateful wife! Thanks, @helava! #
- A thank you to the people who've served doesn't seem like enough, but I'll still say it. Thank you! #
- Tonight, @helava put the second side back on the crib and unsidecarred it, as the baby's learned to wiggle out to the main bed. He moves! #
- I checked in at TrueBurger (146 Grand Ave) on #Yelp #
- Ida Saki on #sytycd blew my mind. She's the most incredible dancer I've ever seen. #
- I checked in at US Airways (San Francisco International Airport) on #Yelp #
- I'm hearing from a lot of friends that they are switching from either the Palm Pre or iPhone to an Android phone. Interesting trend! #
- I didn't actually check in at usairways. I'm just at the airport picking up the bro. He has landed! #
- I just saw Yau Man from Survivor while strolling around Cal! #
- @AngryChad I use the Oxford comma. I can't help myself. It provides better clarity. :p in reply to AngryChad #
- @AngryChad Hilarity++ in reply to AngryChad #
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