What?! One year?!?!
October 11, 2010
Yes, our little man is almost a year old. WHAT A YEAR. WHAT? I’M YELLING, YOU SAY?
Ahem. Sorry about that. It was just so exciting. I was trying to keep from getting choked up by becoming intensely loud. What a year. What a baby. What a husband. What a crazy life. 🙂
“Stuff baby does” update (I’ll upload videos and pics in a later post as it’s late at night and I need to hit the sack):
- He is a daredevil, our little one. Back in August, he mastered the  “flop face first into the bed by letting his hands slide out from under him, using a slippery boardbook to facilitate” maneuver. He would intentionally flop then giggle. Then sometime in the last few weeks, he mastered the art of “standing up on our bed, holding the rails of his crib, then throwing himself dramatically backwards then giggling like mad”, which scared the pants off me the first few times I saw it. It still makes me nervous that he’ll try to do this somewhere not on the bed, but so far, he’s been keeping his crazy shenanigans to the bed.
- He eats everything and nothing. If I’m eating it, he wants some. But not enough to fill his little belly. If I make something for him, he doesn’t want it if there are too many components (either flavor or textures) at once. Mix in some chunky bits in yogurt and he spits it out, but let him bite into his own pear/cheese/bagel/whatever or give him pureed fruit in that yogurt, and he chomps down with no problems.
- He has acquired the ability to say his M’s which thrills me to no end. 🙂 He’s had his D’s for a while now. I often hear him say, “Mamamamamamama umma mamammama umma.” Umma is Korean for mommy so I love this, even though it’s clear he’s not actually associating the sound w/ me yet.
- He took his first steps this week! I think he might actually try to walk before his first birthday. I tell him there is no rush, that he can go at his own speed. But he sure is trying hard! 🙂 I have a video of his wobbling for 1.5 steps that i’ll upload later.
- He’s learned to drink from sippy cups and somewhat from real cups. 😀 His favorite drinking vessels are his straw sippy cup and my sports bottle.
- He loves the drums! Everyday, he crawls over to the Rockband drumkit and grabs the sticks to bang against the heads. If you lift him onto the stool, he loves it because he can reach the high hat. 🙂
- He tries to kiss us by opening his big slobbery mouth and eat our nose/mouth. It’s wonderful and gross. Really wonderful, but really gross. Hahahahaa.
- His wave hello and good-bye transformed from a really aggressive “chop chop chop” motion (imagine you are using your open hand to chop down at a 45 degree angle into someone neck, and you’ve got the right idea) to a really floppy one. It’s interesting because I think he’s experimenting with his various joints and how he can create different kinds of motion.
- He claps when you say “jjak jjak jjak” (or maybe “chak chak chak”? — onomatopoetic word for clap), points his index finger into the open palm of his other hand when you say “gonji gonji gonji” (might actually be “kwon/gwun ji” meaning “hand” and “finger”), shakes his head when you say “dori dori dori” (means “turn”), and bops his head with his hands when you say “dol dol dol” (hilariously, this means “rock” which implies your head is full of rocks!).
There is so much more, but I need to hit the sack!