weak week
i haven’t done much since the last update. i’m still in painful anticipation of the election and subsequent results. i’m still searching for a plot for the novel that should have started on midnight last night. i’m still working on my architecture project for work. i’m still pretty dang happy with my life.
the architecture stuff is going pretty well. i posted a bunch of notes and have gotten a lot of good feedback that i’m incorporating into the design. the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. let’s see what happens when it’s implemented. heh. right now, the schedule for my stuff goes into 40-some days. i can’t tell if that’s grossly underestimated or grossly overestimated. ah, the sign of a great planner. i’ll have to modify the schedule this week as more input flows in.
i made curry last night, and plan to have a mushroom-based hot pot for dinner tonight. i had some leftover curry for lunch, and it was fantastic. i’ll prob have some more tomorrow.
i’ve been using a pedometer for the last few weeks, and it looks like i hover at just under 6000 steps on weekdays and around 7500 on weekend days. a pretty good goal is to strive for 10,000 steps a day. for the record, it seems like a “couch potato” averages around 2000-3000 steps per day, with the average american at roughly 5000-6000 steps, so i fall sadly within the average. i had hoped i was not in this group. i’ve started to park further away, and i’m using the restroom that is on the other side of the floor, instead of the one that is 15 ft from me. i’m going to try out the lunch places that are within walking distance, and take out 15 minutes a day to walk around outside my workplace. i know i also need an actual exercise routine too, which i hope to follow up on, but i want to make every aspect of my life a little healthier.
of course, being healthier won’t mean crap if bush wins, as i’ll be drowning my sorrows in copious amounts of “bad stuff”. as a non-drinker, this might have to mean candy of various sorts. look ma, bush made me fat! :p
I decided to start it this Saturday 11/6 and go until 12/5. I’m starting late, but there is no way in hell I can think about anything else except the election for the next few days. It’s been really difficult to concentrate on work.
I have completed exactly two paragraphs. 😀
– Mike
Ah, yes. The Great American Novel. I have yet to start mine and I have no idea what it’s going to be about. Must think on this. Have you come up with an outline or an idea?