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online buddies

December 8, 2004   

It appears that I’ve made a couple of writing buddies, which is fantastic. I had a couple of 30 minute sprints and a 15 minute sprint tonight, to catch up to my daily quota, as I didn’t have a chance to write at all during the day. A “sprint” is when people give themselves an allotted amount of time and write as much as they can, then come back to report on it. 🙂 The others beat me by a mile, but I got to a critical point in the plot while maintaining my daily average, so I am happy. I also hit another major milestone, and didn’t even notice it! OMGWTFBBQ!!! I really must stop saying this at every non-opportunity. I’m up to 17,569 words.

NaNoWriMo Progress.

In other news, I’m totally hooked on the TV show “Lost”. It’s like what I wanted Survivor to be, except better. It’s weird… “Lost” is a scripted drama and “Survivor” is supposed to be “reality tv”, but “Lost” gives me a better sense of the fear of being ship-/plane-wrecked and feels less artificial. I mean, on how many wrecked islands are you going through an obstacle course made of bamboo and twine? Who knows? I’ve never been to a deserted island, so maybe all of them are like that. Right.


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