the entry where I just quote someone else
Chris Bowers:
I can’t stand the nearly ubiquitous, juvenile machismo in the blogosphere, especially when coupled with mind-numbing refusals to admit that there is sexism in the blogosphere. Among other things, we call people pussies, talk about people getting bitch-slapped, tell people not to get their panties in a wad, demand that people grow balls, order our comrades to sack up, challenge people’s manhood and sexuality, regularly discuss whether certain women are “doable” or not, and we wonder why men outnumber women in the progressive blogosphere two to one? Sexist and homophobic language of the sort that I haven’t heard since I was in the locker room in high school flies around left and right, and we are surprised that more women don’t feel comfortable here? And the excuse that it doesn’t bother all, or even most, women doesn’t fly. The fact is that it does bother quite a few, and helps to build an atmosphere that lets many potential members of our coalition know that they are neither equals nor welcome. And if being polite to our sisters doesn’t jibe without your libertarian ethos, my initial response is to tell you to either deal with it or ram it.
via MyDD.
It ain’t just the blogosphere, Chris. Lately, I’ve been reading a bunch of women/feminist progressive blogs (which I swear I will post about at some point), and it’s been like a breath of fresh air. ETA: I know Chris is a guy, and he’s one of my old reads, not the new batch I’ve been reading.
I think maybe because of the circles I run in I am sheltered from these type of blogs. In fact, I’ve had the exact opposite experience with blogging in that I’ve found it to be a very empowering experience and have crossed paths with many strong, artisitic, intelligent women that I normally otherwise wouldn’t.