Evite & Fundraisers
I don’t really have a problem with people I know personally using Evite to invite me to fundraiser events. However, I have a strongly viceral negative reaction to people giving my email address to other people — or worse, organizations — I don’t know at all who are having fundraisers. It doesn’t matter if it’s an issue I strongly support; it’s simply horrifically rude to basically give away my contact info to a unknown party without my consent.
I think it particularly bothers me with Evites because everytime I get one, I assume it’s a personal invite. To have a random stranger’s fundraiser mixed in with my friends’ invitations is a real pisser, because it feels like they are masquerading as friends and invading my personal space.
Seriously, don’t do it.
Oh yeah, that is totally different, because you, my friend, is forwarding it to me, instead of a random stranger inviting me without explaining how they know me.
That would be fun!
What if one of my friends is having a fabulous event (not necessarily a fundraiser) and asks that I invite other friends? Can I then forward it on to you? I ask b/c my friend CD has moved to the East Bay and will likely be having a jewelry trunk show in the fall and think it would be great fun if you and Uyen join me.