Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-07
March 7, 2010
- Tonight: pork shoulder sous vide, more carrot soup, asparagus, bread, peas. Later in week: duck confit, salmon, short rib, all sous vide. #
- Definitely me! RT @TheLXD: One more week until @theLXD is on the Oscars!!! Who's watching? #
- Teething toys? Why did we bother buying any? He far prefers a wooden spoon. What a gourmand. 😀 #
- Baby and @helava went off to baby's second transition day in daycare. I will be picking him up at noon. I'm full of nerves. #
- @canida He's fond of the toothbrush too. 🙂 Only problem: two ends to stop him from poking down his throat/into his eyes instead of one. in reply to canida #
- @MJ RT @CleverGirlsColl: Looking 4 natural-born influencers-social media mavens-power FB/Tweeters! Join @clever1000! #
- @abeldanger My eye used to twitch when I wasn't getting enough sleep. Or maybe it was the caffeine overload that resulted from lack of sleep in reply to abeldanger #
- Took lunch over to @sidewalksays then met one of his and @hja's neighbors w a 3.5 month old boy, exchanged numbers for next time I visit. 🙂 #
- @sidewalksays Next block over. She said she thinks she's said hi to you and P before. 🙂 in reply to sidewalksays #
- RT @citymama: Interesting article about how children affect a restaurant's bottom line. With real numbers. #
- Wish I were there! RT @seoulonwheels: Warm up with a spicy pork korrito and rib eye tacos. Hollis @ 64th in Emeryville 11-1:30 #
- My first day going back to work and of course the baby was up every two hours last night, giving me only 5 total hours. He's tired too… 🙁 #
- @AngryChad Agreed. Any particular episode? in reply to AngryChad #
- @seoulonwheels Sad you are not in Emeryville today. Was planning on trying all the tasty for the first time. in reply to seoulonwheels #
- Had a dream I was in an earthquake that collapsed the house. Pretty terrifying. #
- @NBB1 My building tipped over too! Is that a common theme? It tipped, then slid down the hill. in reply to NBB1 #
- Rice paddle has joined wooden spoon and toothbrush as baby toys. #
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