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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-28

February 28, 2010   
  • Enamelled cast iron cookware is amazing: great thermal capacitance, a breeze to clean. Made braised chicken then stock with bones tonight. #
  • Hmm. Power weeny out. #
  • Er… Power went out. #
  • Checked all the breaker panels. Can't tell if it's just our house or the entire neighborhood. Call neighbor but no answer. #
  • @gnguyen Ah, thanks for the info. in reply to gnguyen #
  • I don't know how I thought the vaccum cleaner would work during a power outage. #
  • Power came back just as I was wondering how I'd get the stroller out of the garage without power. Cool! #
  • Last tweet was supposed to be sent two hours ago. Anyway, finally got my h1n1 vaccination! Success. #
  • Baby's lower two teeth are so close to the surface that you can see and feel them very distinctly. Poor kid is suffering. #
  • Felt around the baby's mouth again and found that the front lower left tooth is out! :-O #
  • @hja Seriously, both yay and boo! And only one tooth so far. in reply to hja #
  • Yay for no rain. On walk with baby. #
  • @AngryChad ROFL! in reply to AngryChad #
  • @jaeran I think your Twitter account got hacked. I got one of those infamous "This you?" dms from your account. #
  • In the last week, the baby sprouted two lower teeth, sat up by himself, and started to get upset when leaving his new fave thing, the bath. #
  • Baby dubbed Mr. Bighead Ladyvoice by @helava. He's trying out some interesting things his vocal chords can do. Hilarious little night owl. #
  • @bcaudill Oh man, how I love Bon Jovi! in reply to bcaudill #
  • Just dropped off the baby for his first transition day in daycare. He'll be there from 8am to 11am today. Predictably, I cried. He slept. 🙂 #
  • @AngryChad I started to make a "my concolases" joke but realized how stupid it was. Yet I couldn't refrain from telling you. in reply to AngryChad #
  • @AngryChad Er… My consolases, I mean. Eh, just forget it. *kicks rock* #
  • Will be leaving to pick up baby in about 35min. Only left him about an hour ago what with paperwork and he was already napping. Yet… :'( #
  • @hja Went w H&S's daycare. Close w great reviews, a staff we liked, large yet cozy facilities, and an unmatchable personal recommendation in reply to hja #
  • @hja But still hard not to feel sad and guilty. How have your first two weeks been? in reply to hja #
  • @Ryuhi as opposed to your twittering wife whom you normally eat with? 😉 in reply to Ryuhi #
  • @NBB1 The thing is that I don't want to read that article, but the link is just sitting there, daring me. in reply to NBB1 #
  • The baby is sleeping soundly. I am going to take him to Babies R Us when he wakes up and eats so I can get some playroom things for him. #
  • As sad as I was to leave him at daycare, when I went back, it was so great to see him having fun with the other babies there, including T! #
  • Waiting in car with baby to see if this rain is going to slow down so I don't get him wet. #
  • Made chicken in the Dutch oven again. Served with jus, veg hash, bread, and olive oil poached carrot soup. #
  • @abecedary Come over for dinner anytime! 🙂 I miss hanging out. in reply to abecedary #
  • @MJ I'm speechless. in reply to MJ #

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