Nesting, Nagging, and Nurture Shock
Note: I might as well write this out rather than having it sit around in draft/ghost form, even if I don’t get to go in depth.
I guess this post is brought to you by the letter N. π To be clear, the three topics have very little to do with each other (at least not directly, just vaguely in terms of my current state of thought), and are not meant to present one coherent thesis.
Nesting. I keep hearing about the nesting instinct and how it kicks in as the due date arrives. I wonder though how much of the last minute frenzy of preparation is just the normal reaction to any sort of deadline, versus a specific & distinct biological reaction to a baby coming. It’s kind of fruitless to try to determine any sort of breakdown though, because the end result is last minute prep anyway.
As for me, I’ve been so sleepy this past week that I’ve barely gotten anything done. I’ve done my best to ensure all the bills are up to date and that I’m calling and arranging things that I can from a resting position, but even a short jaunt out with Mobi or to the store leaves me in need of hours of sleep/rest afterward. There are several hours a day when I feel really great! Middle of the day and about an hour or two after meals are two distinct times that I feel like I’m totally fine and can do a lot more. π
Nagging. I don’t remember why I was thinking about nagging. It probably has to do with some late night thought about how I want to interact with our pending child, how I interact with my own mom, and why sometimes this communication goes completely awry, even when both parties have the best intentions. To the best of my ability, this is what I believe happens during what is commonly perceived as “nagging”:
Nagger’s thoughts: I don’t know why I have to remind them again. I told them before. I can’t even tell if they are listening/paying attention. Is this getting through? Did they just forget? How many times do I have to repeat myself before it sticks? How many times do I have to repeat myself before they “hear” it? I am so tired of repeating myself! They should know better!
Naggee’s (yes, I know this is not a word) thoughts: I don’t know why they are telling me again. They already said this a million times. Do they just like to repeat themselves? I already know this and I will do/not do as they say, because I’ve made up my own mind. Maybe if I ignore them, they will see that I have no interest in hearing them repeat themselves and they will stop. They are being so annoying!
I think that the word “nag” is an unfortunate way to categorize and dismiss this type of communication that can happen between parents & kids, spouses, coworkers, etc. I recall when I was in high school, my mom would come into my bedroom every morning and say to me, “Wake up! You are going to be late!” Then she’d tsk and say, “If I didn’t wake you in the mornings, you’d never get to school on time.”
Every morning, I reacted in a very predictable way to this: I got angry or irritated or just hurt, depending on my teenagery mood of the day. Why?
- I felt that I knew exactly how long I take to get ready, much better than she did, and she was asking me to wake up on her schedule, not on my assessment of my schedule. In short, I felt she was robbing me of my right to self-determination.
- I felt that she had a poor idea of me, as a person, believing that I was so irresponsible as to be unable to accomplish a single task like get to school on time without her.
What I now think was going through her head:
- Going to school is the single most important thing for Ei-Nyung right now. The best way I can help her is to get her started on her day.
- I’ve never seen her wake up without my prompting, so it’s clear she needs to be prompted to wake up. When will she learn to get up on her own?
When I think about this with 20/20 hindsight, it’s clear that either one of us could have ended this “nagging” cycle by proposing that for one week, I am left to wake up on my own and see if I am late to school. If I am, then she is justified and I have no business complaining or being hurt. If I am not, then I should be left to wake myself up every morning.
The most frustrating part of it, for my teenage self, is that my desired time to wake up was always only about 5 minutes later than my mom’s internal panic timer for rousing me out of bed. Over those 5 minutes, we had countless pointless arguments and silent treatments over the years, and for no real reason except that we couldn’t quite articulate our positions well enough to each other to break through our habits.
If I had said to her, “Mom, I hear you and I understand you are worried and why you are worried. Let me handle it for a week and see if it works out,” then maybe she would not have felt like she was being ignored, wondering if she was getting through, wondering what I was thinking.
Even for things where I disagreed with her, it would have been better for me to have expressed it than have tried to just ignore her, making her feel unheard & frustrated, like her advice and wisdom were not getting through. Instead, in typical teenager fashion, I ignored her and hoped she would stop and just know she was being “annoying” and “nagging”.
Nurture Shock. Good book. Give it a read. I should probably say more, but I’m running out of steam. It’s along the lines of Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers” as far as being readable and exploring certain types of social/behavioral phenomena (raising of children, in this case). Maybe Seppo or Mack, who have also read it, will have something interesting to add about it. π
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-04
- I'm at Lucky & Lucky Restaurant (1116 Franklin Street, Oakland). #
- @veraciousjess So bummed to have missed it. Seppo did all the work and I fell asleep. π in reply to veraciousjess #
- @bcaudill I loved that movie! in reply to bcaudill #
- @aaa Happy birthday! π in reply to aaa #
- One week (or one week and two days, depending on which date I use) left until due date. Baby could be here at literally any moment now. :O #
- One hour massage followed by phone call with best friend. Yay! #
- What a beautiful day. So nice after last week's stifling heat. #
- @so_yun Due either Monday or Wednesday, depending on how you count it. π Feeling like a whale! in reply to so_yun #
- @so_yun Next week! π in reply to so_yun #
- An interview with @helava: RT @WordAce: An interview on the development of Word Ace on Palm's developer blog! #
- @so_yun I love This American Life. I hadn't listened to that episode yet, but it sounds like a good one! in reply to so_yun #
- The walk that used to take Mobi and me 10 minutes now takes close to 30 minutes to complete. Yikes! #
- I'm at Trader Joe's Oakland-Lakeshore (3250 Lakeshore Ave, Lake Park, Oakland). #
- @AngryChad I keep expecting to see photos of my dog, Mobi. π in reply to AngryChad #
- Just finished the last of the birth classes. Glad to have our evenings free again, if only for a very, very short time. π #
- Crappy night of sleep counting frequent yet irregular & painless contractions. They are not getting more intense/regular, so not in labor. #
- Korean comfort food for lunch: rice & fried eggs sprinkled with some soy sauce and sesame oil, accompanied by some seaweed. #
- Play it now! Hold 'em + Scrabble-like play! RT @WordAce: Word Ace on Facebook: #
- Yes, you can. π RT @MJ: Tomorrow is 10.1 (lol) Talk like a Lolcat day!!! I can has retweets? #
- Despite all the "practice" contractions yesterday, doctor confirmed there is no dilation. Somewhat disappointing. #
- @canida Awesome! Alternating between crying and laughing is a particular talent for kids, if kids in my family are any indication. π in reply to canida #
- Unreasonably upset from reading a letter. #
- Maybe I'll try to make some authentic Philly cheesesteaks this week. Hmm. #
- @abeldanger @patrick_ellis @rachelolimb Ooh, pics! Wish I was there! in reply to abeldanger #
- Finally finished BSG. Rather unsatisfying. #
- Will be trying to get a flu shot at the local Walgreens today. Will try CVS/Longs after that if it is too crowded or something. #
- @JustPete74 Agreed. The wrap ups were both too tidy and not at all tidy at the same time. Frustrating. in reply to JustPete74 #
- What?! RT @StephDecker: This pisses me off. Come on Dems, stop being such pansies. Abstinence only funding, really!? #
- I feel like I had a decent amount of energy last week, but this week, it's all gone. #
- Time to eat lunch. Better late than never! Then off to track down a flu shot. #
- Ha! Made of awesome. RT @luciuskwok: Bwitter: like Twitter, except you're only allowed to be angry. Or be from Philly. #
- At Walgreen's, waiting for merc- & preservative-free flu shot. There is an older woman in line with boxes of latex gloves & diet coke. ??? #
- Foursquare keeps checking me in at the wrong places. At least it'll help foil my stalkers. #
- I just unlocked the "Local" badge on @foursquare! #
- @SwanL So very MacGuyver of you. Did you sport a glorious mullet in tribute? π in reply to SwanL #
- @SwanL Maybe so! I'm amazed by your ability to be in two states at once. Not that I can verify your supposed AZ presence… Hmm… in reply to SwanL #
- Any opinions on the geotagging capabilities of the Eye-fi SD cards? I am thinking of getting one that geotags and uploads videos. #
- Played WordAce on iPhone earlier in the evening w a really fun group of strangers, played more just now on Facebook w @helava & friend. π #
- Just made a reservation for Commis for tomorrow night. The chef was Chef de Cuisine at Manresa! Can't wait! #
- @RobZograph @helava has that shirt. π in reply to RobZograph #
- @aaa Not yet. They say it'll become available this coming week, they think. in reply to aaa #
- I believe I've just taken Mobi on my last possible daily walk for a long time. Took 35 min to go ~0.7miles, which equals 1.2 mph. #
- Just made contact w a dog walker who might be able to help us the first few weeks after the baby arrives. Hoping the consultation goes well! #
- @SwanL We have a treadmill that my dog is deathly terrified of. Heh. He's such a wimp! π in reply to SwanL #
- @helava What time? You can go after dinner. π in reply to helava #
- Afternoon nap foiled by it being just too too too hot. I can't wait until mild weather stops affecting me like it's blazing summer heat. #
- The baby is staging his prison break, as far as I can tell: #
- Agreed with @helava that Commis was awesome. We are going back tomorrow. So great to have a restaurant of that caliber so close by. #
- @westcoastbill For real? I can't tell if you ate joking. And for the record, no, I would not buy her book. π in reply to westcoastbill #
- Happy Chuseok to my Korean and Korean American friends! #
- @luciuskwok Sounds like a perfect evening. π in reply to luciuskwok #
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Random ramblings, again
Been sleeping on the livingroom recliner the last couple of days (minus yeterday), which is much better on the hip & pelvis.
I started a blog post titled “Nesting, Nagging, and Nurture Shock” but didn’t finish it because I’m too tired and it felt like it was going to be a long post.
I have something on the brain about “wanting to give what you felt you lacked” when it comes to parenting and other close relationships, but much like the prior attempt, it seems like it’ll take too much time. The basic gist is that people perceive what they wish they had when they were kids, and try their best to make sure that their kids don’t feel that same deficiency.
As an example, if you felt that you were never praised enough, you might tend toward overpraising your child. If you, like my older brother, always felt like there was never enough to go around such that ever penny earned (whether by him or my parents) went toward necessities, then you might tend toward excessive buying of toys/clothes/etc. for your progeny, even if he/she doesn’t have any desire to have whatever it is you are getting them.
I think it is difficult not to see your own blind spots. I wonder what my own blind spots will be. I know that with my little brother, my older sister bought him a ton of cute little clothes when he was little, and maybe that reflected how we always had second-hand clothing growing up and how that made her feel when others perceived this. My older brother brought home a new toy almost every trip outside the house. He still buys him all sorts of things: new cell phones, laptops, stereos, computers, food, clothes. There’s nothing wrong with it, but often he buys things that the little bro never even showed an iota of interest in, because he thinks he might want it.
What did I do and what do I continue to do with him? I do the same thing in my own way, which is to try to give him what I wanted. When I was really small, I really, really wanted books. We didn’t have books in our home (except for a bible and a homemaker’s encyclopedia) until I was about 5 or 6. This wasn’t because my parents didn’t want the best education and literacy for their kids; it was because back then, the home finances were such that my mom would talk down the guy who sold mung bean sprouts the equivalent of a penny from the cost of the 10 cent bag.
I remember when my mom bought two 30-book sets on an installment plan from the door-to-door bookseller. One set was for me & my sister, and the second set was for my older brother. I remember when the bookseller came to the door, and we looked at the sample books from two different kids’ books, in addition to the older, more history-oriented books for my brother. One set was full of pictures and didn’t have a lot of words on the page. I could read it right away. The other set had only about one black & white half-page picture every 20-30 pages, with a couple of color illustrations in the front. Each book was probably about 200 pages and were collections of stories from different countries.
I honestly don’t remember which set I wanted more — being a kid, probably the picture books — but my mom ended up getting us the more verbose one, and I am so glad. I’ve read every story in every book many, many times in my lifetime, probably upwards of about 30 times each. I loved the stories and still remember most of them. I read my way through them then through my older brother’s history book set. His books were probably more like 350 pages each and discussed various historic figures from around the world. This must have been before I entered the first grade, but after I learned to read, which wasn’t until I was about 5. I learned to read late for America, but in Korea at the time, I don’t think people tried to get kids to read until just before school (which starts at age 7), despite the enormous academic pressure that immediately accompanies the start of school.
What was I talking about?
Anyway, I loved and still love to read. I used to go over to my neighbor’s house and read through their kiddie science books while my sister was playing house with the girl who lived there. I was fascinated by the worlds opened up within these books, the knowledge they shared, the stories they told. I was so hungry for reading & knowledge that I even read the homemaker’s encyclopedia (1000 pages of stuff my 6 year old self didn’t really understand) that belonged to my mom.
When I came to the US and eventually learned to read English, one of the small things that my parents always made sure to budget for whenever I wanted to order books through Scholastic Books in my school. I wanted to order every time, and I got to get three books each time. If money were not an issue, I would have gotten at least half the books every time.
So from the time my little brother was an infant, I always wanted to get him books and educational toys. I realized at some point that I was also ignoring his actual wants and needs in favor of my own when one year, when I told him I was sending him a birthday present, he replied, “I bet it’s something ‘educational’.” I could hear the air-quotes in his voice. Of course, I was mad at him at first for being such an ungrateful little twit and told him so π but I did stop to think about what I was doing. I was doing the same thing that my older siblings were doing: giving him what they wanted, instead of really seeing what it is that would be good for him or even what he himself wanted. So I started to talk to him more about what he was actually interested in. My gifts for him almost always still border on the nerdy/educational, but at least are geared more towards his fields of interest rather than my own.
And on this brink of becoming a parent, I think to myself, I don’t know what my blind spots are. I know the biggest thing I want for our son is for him to grow up to be a moral, responsible, self-sufficient person who leaves behind him a world slightly (or much) better than he found it.
I think in the core of that wish is the thing that my adult self see as something I want(ed) more than books, more than learning, and that is the ability to live out my own life. I love my life and I love my family dearly, but there had always been a sense of obligation instilled in all of us to take care of each other. And see? That’s not even a bad thing. I’ll even say it’s a great thing, and it’s the thing that pulls families and friends together, knowing that there is a commitment and desire to care for each other through thick and thin. I wouldn’t trade the closeness I have with my family for anything. Each member of my family sacrificed hard to make things work for the whole, and that is why it functions and grows.
But I don’t want our son-to-be to make every major decision in his life with that thought weighing heavily on his mind. I want him to know that we, his parents, will be able to take care of ourselves and that he can be free to pursue his own purpose in life. I want him to feel the freedom to make his own way in life, instead of being predisposed to always choose the responsible option. And in many ways, I know I want to be grossly irresponsible at times myself.
So will the blind spot come in the form of accidentally having him think that he shouldn’t care for our well-being, that he’s the only important entity in the family, that he can live capriciously? I certainly hope not. Because it’s a blind spot, it’s hard to tell where it will be.
I ramble, therefore I am.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-27
- Stopping for bubble tea after The American Idiot musical, which was great! #
- Played a hour of #wordace with noncheating, nonaggressive bettors. Best kind of game to play if you can't play with friends! Lots of fun. #
- Just finished Nurture Shock. Certainly sparks a lot of thoughts. Would recommend to my parent & parent-to-be friends. #
- @eisfore I almost cried seeing A's photos, both from overwhelming joy for M and infinite sadness at missing her day and the girls. :'D in reply to eisfore #
- Great post on joy of shared social experiences & effects on friendships RT @selfawaregames: Progress, and Connectedness #
- RT @thecurrentgamer: Review: Word Ace by Self Aware Games Review Score: 5 / 5: A few weeks ago we published an inter.. #
- Things I check in the morning: gmail, work mail, Twitter, facebook, google reader, in that order on my iPhone. How about you? #
- Doing laundry, made plans to meet with pediatrician, and scheduled what will probably be my last nice haircut in a long time. #
- Just booked car maintenance so our cars don't freak out and need help just as the baby is born. I hope the baby waits until next week. #
- My sister told me her swelling & joint pain lasted several months after giving birth. She is a killjoy and I'd like everyone to know it. :p #
- @NBB1 What kind of classes? Knitting is best learned in person. π in reply to NBB1 #
- Pork belly, rice, and lettuce wraps for dinner. #
- @SwanL Lol! It's like the same thing. π in reply to SwanL #
- I need to do something about the ringtone on my phone. I miss 75% of my calls because I don't notice it ringing. Bleh. #
- To do tomorrow: more laundry, clear out dresser drawers, pick up some baby first aid stuff & my vitamins, get haircut, and go to class. #
- @abeldanger The intel commercials have been pretty awesome. in reply to abeldanger #
- America's Best Dance Crew had a pretty feeble run this season. Was not impressed by Sunday's episode. #
- Being nervous about giving birth is almost a stall tactic for not thinking about what it means to bring that baby home. It's terrifying. #
- Bumpits: a) hair accessory, b) underarms of the homeless, c) plumber's crack, d) all of the above? What a terrible product name. #
- RT @westcoastbill: The First Engadget Show with Palm CEO John Rubinstein and Word Ace mention! #
- Worst night of sleep so far, with barking dog, noises in the night, random thoughts, and new discomforts. Fell asleep around 4am. #
- @SwanL I knew Twitter was dangerous! in reply to SwanL #
- @NBB1 Why do you keep tweeting yourself? It's getting kinda weird now. in reply to NBB1 #
- There comes a time in every young woman's life when she must answer the primal call of the beast they call naptime. This is that time. #
- I'm at Sole Salon (5689 Bay St., Emeryville). #
- Getting some red highlights to take the glum expression out of my face. Heh. #
- You two look like brothers: How siblings separated at birth were reunited 35 years later whe…` #randyjoubert #newsrag #
- @bcaudill The red is much less intense & haircut is less hip than I wanted, but overall, I think it might be better than the style I wanted. in reply to bcaudill #
- @bcaudill To be more to the point, I like it! I definitely look 100x better walking out than I did walking in with the mess on my head. in reply to bcaudill #
- @SwanL Go for it! Love how blue looks in mostly black/dark brown hair. π in reply to SwanL #
- RT @panappticon Word Ace Review: Texas Hold Γ’β¬ΛEm + Scrabble = W-I-N Γ’β¬β Panappticon #
- Right on! RT @algore: Γ’β¬Ε$2.27 in benefits for every dollar spent.Γ’β¬Β Those are the facts. #
- @NBB1 Finally, your life is truly complete! π in reply to NBB1 #
- As @helava will be glad to note, the replacement camera is here. #
- Off to the doctor's once more… With feeling! … What was I talking about? #
- Acquired fried chicken sandwiches for dinner on the way back from doctor. #
- I'm at Bakesale Betty (5098 Telegraph Avenue, at 51st, Oakland). #
- @bcaudill Is it ever too early for fried chicken sandwiches? π in reply to bcaudill #
- Took the last of our newborn care classes tonight. One more childbirth class next week & we'll be done. That leaves 1 week until due date. #
- @aaa Their brisket sandwiches are awesome too! π in reply to aaa #
- @SwanL Could not agree more. A most excellent episode of #glee. in reply to SwanL #
- @eisfore Not yet! π in reply to eisfore #
- Not sure what to make for dinner… #
- Averaging 5hrs of sleep per night while I'm supposed to be resting up is so wrong. Only managed to nap two days for about an hour. Ugh. #
- Picked up car from service center, got groceries for lunch and dinner, fueled up car. Now taking a breather before walking dog. #
- RT @WordAce: RT OTGGamer Friday Freebie – Word Ace #
- Chicken with 40 cloves and tomato salad for dinner: #
- RT @jayrosen_nyu: … do see this clip of Katie Couric asking Glenn Beck to define "white culture" and refusing to let go #
- RT @NBB1: Check out Maddow video too RT @davidsirota: SF Chronicle on How to Deal With Idiots 101: #
- Not sure where to have dinner tonight. Any suggestions? #
- Kirala it is! Sushi and robata grilll for dinner. #
- Yelp tells me Chef Yuyu Za Zang restaurant serves double skin. :O I shall be having it (and jja jang myung) soon, oh yes I shall. #
- Currently using 2 couch pillows, 2 memory foam pillows, and 1 travel pillow to create a good sleeping environment. Silly, yet effective. #
- @hja It changes from day to day. I used it two nights ago. Will you want to use it in, say, a week? in reply to hja #
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Interpersonal communication
It’s a topic I’ve covered a zillion times before. I recently thought about it again because back in August, Becky tweeted: “Dating Tip for Dudes #38: She doesn’t necessarily want a suggestion, she just wants you to listen. Do your BEST.”
In romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, coworker situations, there are several categories of what kind of interaction a person is looking for when they reach out. They could be looking for any of the following:
- A shoulder to cry on or a sympathetic ear. This person is looking for a friend in their corner. This person wants to vent. The best thing you can do is listen and let them know they are not being crazy/oversensitive/etc.
- Wisdom and/or perspective beyond what they were able to come up with on their own. This kind of person wants advice. Drawing from prior experiences and similar situations to tell them what you might have done in the past in a similar situation will help them.
- A kick in the behind to get them started on making changes. This person wants a coach. Tell them you know they can get off their butts and kick ass. Remind them of their prior accomplishments.
- Actual, concrete assistance, where the friend/family/etc. offloads some of their workload. This person is seeking help.
In all of these situations, it is very important that the person reaching out and the person responding know what it is that is being sought out, otherwise the two people will end up in a very frustrating conversation.
Let’s say someone is complaining to you about their current job, or feeling like a schlub, feeling unmotivated. This could be a friend, your SO, your parent/child, etc. Depending on what they are seeking, you might do any of the following:
- Let them vent: Ask them if they just want you to listen. Listen to them. Do they seem mostly angry, sad, depressed, frustrated, or something else entirely? Ask them questions that let them work out how they are feeling, and why. If there are things you don’t understand, ask them, but let them lead the conversation. Sometimes, a large part of stress is not knowing exactly how you feel, and talking it out can make the person feel better. It also helps to know someone else is in their corner and cares about their perspective. Something that’s important to remember is that it’s not about how you feel about the situation, but about how this person does.
- Give them advice: Ask them if they want advice. You’ll see that this is a theme. This interaction is not about you giving someone what you’d want in their place, but what that person wants. Remember even when they ask for advice that they are not you and will not behave the same as you in the same situation. Consider how applicable the situation you are describing is to the advice seeker, be nonjudgmental, and don’t say “should” and “must”, but stick to “could” and “might”. This is not an opportunity for you to tell a slightly-related story or for you to “give them a life lesson”, so don’t repeat yourselfΓΒ and or make them think that you believe there is one bandaid to their type of problem. Adjust your advice as more details are revealed and let the person feel heard, not categorized.
- Coach them/Kick them in the butt: Some people like this. You really have to know someone really, really well in order to do this, and things differ situationally, so ask them too. I have very little to say in this matter because I am not a person who responds well to this, but I know this is definitely what some people want. Anyone who relates to this, feel free to talk about this in the comments.
- Offer help. Again, ask them if they want help. People often think others will ask for help when they need it, but I find this to be completely untrue. People feel incredibly guilty or embarrassed to ask for help, but are grateful when it is offered. Let’s take the example of someone looking for a job. Concrete help is not repeated nagging/reminders to update their resumes; concrete help comes in offering to do some chore for them so they will have a time slot free that they did not previously have. It could also come in asking them if they could use a resume format and a reviewer, and acting promptly if they answer in the affirmative.
Generally, I fall into the 1st and 4th categories and will feel completely frustrated if confronted with 2nd or 3rd categories. For me, when vent, what has usually happened is some perfect storm of feeling like I have too many to-do items and not enough time, combined with juggling a couple of stressful situations at once. These situations might have to do with worrying about a friend or family member, getting over an illness, preparing for a deadline, or any of a million different things.
So by the time I vent, I am completely overloaded. The thing that will help is if some of those things on my to-do or stress-about list can come off the list, through the magic of circumstances or through help. The last thing I need is another thing to worry about or another item to add to my to-do list.
Also, I’m a resourceful lass. By the time I vent, I’ve been thinking about the situation for a very long time from many angles. I’ve explored several reasonable and several unreasonable paths to a solution. I’ve thought about the players in the situation and have probably tried talking to them. I’ve researched the crap out of any remaining questions I have about the situation. Basically, I’ve devoted a lot of time & thought to resolving the situation.
Realizing this opened my eyes to exactly why I get frustrated in the face of advice when I’m seeking a place to vent, and I think it is relevant to the tweet referenced in my intro paragraph. When someone gives me advice, it’s usually someone who cares about me, and someone for whom I care in return. When they give me advice, there are two things that might happen:
- If I’ve already researched that solution, it makes me frustrated that they would have thought I hadn’t thought of something that took them about 5 minutes to come up with; OR
- If I haven’t, this effectively puts another item on my to-do list to pursue. Because they are important to me and are likely to follow up with me out of concern, this means that I have to push off the other actual to-dos I have on my overburdened list to go look at this new thing. It might be immensely helpful too, which is another good reason to pursue it. But does it help alleviate the things that led me to venting in the first place? No, because I still have all the to-dos on my list still.
Help differs from advice in that someone is actually taking items off my to-do list. That is fabulous. Advice adds more items to my to-do list or makes me feel like they think I’m stupid. Being listened to when venting helps tremendously because I need to release the pressure valve and work out my feelings, and that lets me know the friend/family/etc. hears my needs and addresses them.
And there is no formal end or conclusion to this. I hope this lack of finish fills you with immense dissatisfaction. π
Next blog post will probably be a review of NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children
Update: I just realized that sometimes, I really do want 2 & 3. 3 in particular is helpful when I’m losing motivation. Having someone remind me of my accomplishments can really kick me out of a funk. I very, very rarely ask for #2, but when I do, I am extremely grateful to get good advice. The critical difference is that I’ve asked for it, which means that I want a new perspective and that I know I have the bandwidth to handle whatever advice I’m given, rather than being overloaded.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-20
- @AngryChad @hja Will tell you on Tuesday when everything is sorted out, hopefully. A total PITA, really. in reply to AngryChad #
- Kanye = douchebag, Beyonce = classy. Taylor, you forgot to thank Beyonce! #
- Say Anything is just an amazing movie. #
- Enjoyed a couple of rounds of #WordAce with some friends. So much fun! #
- @canida What area is your new office? in reply to canida #
- What I foresee for the next couple of weeks: trying to minimize swelling, laundry, cleaning, cooking, being paranoid about being early. :p #
- @eisfore Wow, I didn't know you'd be doing this. When you are done, can you send me the playlist? It's my way of pretending to be there. π in reply to eisfore #
- I know it's totally wrong, but I keep being tempted to pick up the "I am T-Pain" app. I know! You don't have to tell me! π #
- Last day of work then childbirth class = super-long day. Sad 2 say bye 2 awesome coworkers & project, but know the show will go on awesomely #
- The Biggest Loser is some of the most inspirational tv on air. I love their focus on hard work, persistence, and good attitude. #
- @eisfore The rapper. Don't judge me! π in reply to eisfore #
- @eisfore Why are you still up if you are in the east coast?! Do you think anyone could call me so I could listen to the ceremony? What time? in reply to eisfore #
- @eisfore Dang. 5 is 2pm here and that's when local friends are throwing us a baby shower (so nice!) so I wouldn't be able to watch/listen. in reply to eisfore #
- First day off and only 5 hrs of fitful sleep. Oh the humanity. At least it's not the humanzee. Maybe I'll play some #wordace. π #
- Does anyone have an iPhone IM client they would recommend? #
- @bcaudill Awesome! I love Adam Shankman! in reply to bcaudill #
- Thanks @AngryChad @NBB1 for the beejive recommendation. Looks good so far. #
- Is this weekend Chuseok (Korean fall harvest festival)??? I should cook something appropriate. #
- Must… resist post luch… coma… Wait, no I don't. Nap time! W00t! #
- I'm full term with the pregnancy. To hit 40 weeks, I only have 2.5 weeks left to go. Omg!!!!! #
- Hmm. May have to switch around dinner cooking plans because it's too hot. #
- @RobZograph I added you today! π in reply to RobZograph #
- It IS pretty awesome! RT @SwanL: COOLEST WEDDING INVITATION EVER! (via @kimstearns) RT@sunnythaper #
- At the post office, sending off my Package of Shame, which is anything I meant to sent off more than a week ago. These = Hawaii gifts 4 fam. #
- @bcaudill I don't know where mine went either!! WTF? in reply to bcaudill #
- Why are my hands tingling? Doesn't seem normal. #
- Today: sent package, deposited checks, bought groceries. Tomorrow: eye exam, some laundry, schedule car maintenance? #
- RT @RobZograph: (RT) @BarackObama Exciting newsΓ’β¬βHouse passes biggest overhaul of student aid program since the 1960's: #
- Detroit folks: my sis is going there for business tomorrow. What should she do for fun? #
- @AngryChad Thanks! Turns out that she gets in Sat morn, sets up con booth, works all day, breaks down booth in wee hours, leaves Sun morn π in reply to AngryChad #
- @bcaudill The tomatoes in my backyard are so confused, as are the *super* late season strawberries. in reply to bcaudill #
- @bcaudill Never used typepad but switched from blogger to wordpress due to the community support for a huge library of plugins & templates. in reply to bcaudill #
- @StephDecker What's your friend code? in reply to StephDecker #
- I'm pretty sure not! RT @matt68000 The makers of the Word Ace game are going to love this #
- Oh man! Is it nap o'clock?! #
- Did some laundry, got eye exam (sadly, about 1/4 diopter of astigmatism in each eye), set up appt for car maintenance next week. Success! #
- Sometimes, I run across a username on my IM lists and can't remember who it is. That probably means I should delete the name, but I can't. #
- Played a couple of hours of The Beatles: Rock Band while waiting for dinnermates to arrive. Can't get any better. #
- @SwanL I know it's the benadryl cocktail talking. π in reply to SwanL #
- Had fantastic BBQ for dinner at T-Rex. That mac & cheese was amazing. #
- Huh. Just read more descriptions of Braxton Hicks contractions, and it sounds like I've Been having them for weeks without realizing it. #
- @eisfore I demand photos!!!! π in reply to eisfore #
- 11:30am-6:30pm today is the Oakland Koreantown-Northgate Culturefest! Promoting all local businesses! #
- Every time I think about kid visitors to our house, I realize what a death trap it is. Hopefully, no fatalities this afternoon, kid/adult. #
- Just saw trailer for Whip It w Ellen Page, girl who played Maebe from Arrested Development, and Drew Barrymore. Must see!! #
- It truly boggles my mind how amazing our friends are! Thank you so much for the baby shower! So lucky to have you in our 'family'. π #
- I would have given my right leg to have been able to attend my friend M's wedding. π I'm sure it was beautiful, as was she. Love you, girl! #
- @eisfore Where is M registered? I should have asked you sooner… in reply to eisfore #
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At home
Tuesday was my last day at work before going on leave to wait for the alien bread we’ve been baking in the human oven. The alien bread is due in about 2.5 weeks! :O Seriously, it is shocking.
I do feel bad calling the baby things like “alien bread” and “skeletor” but it’s hard to come up with an in utero nickname, and I hate the one my mom calls him (“ddol ddol i” — like “smarty” or maybe more like “smartass”). Well, it’s hard to come up with a real name too. Hopefully, Mobi won’t take things too literally and try to dine on this alien bread.
There was some confusion for the legal definition of what was happening to me, leave-wise. Because my company is so small, most of the common leave-taking job protection doesn’t apply to me (one lesser known one does though but under different terms than the more commonly known stuff) but it was really a matter of making sure we were all individually happy with the arrangement, covering everything from how long I’ll be gone, if we want it to be full-time immediately upon returning, if they can contact me while I’m on leave, etc., much of which are “softer” issues. I at no point was actually worried about not having a job to come back to, but mostly about the legalese in terms of collecting my short term disability insurance. That headache has largely been taken care of, so I can relax. π
A couple of weeks ago, we went to Hawaii. It was… awesome. Seriously awesome. One of the best things was being able to be in the water all the time, which was so great for my strained joints and swollen hands & feet. It was fun going all over the island (Oahu) and nomming on everything in sight. Most of the trip is covered on Seppo’s blog. One of the worst things was getting our stuff stolen, but that’s the kind of thing you just have to roll with. The other bad thing was the flight back from Hawaii. My feet were swollen so badly that I almost busted out into tears several times during the flight.
Note to self next time if I fly while pregnant:
- Don’t fly 3rd trimester!
- Upgrade to business or first if I have to fly during 3rd trimester — I am a total cheapskate, but the extra money will be well worth it, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time.
Last week on Saturday, I sucked up all my “scared of meeting strangers” fears with the help of my friend & recent mother MJ and attended the Kimchi Mamas Bay Area meetup! :DΓΒ There is so much I loved about the meetup!
- Meeting with other women, period. I love events for women!
- Meeting with other people who either grew up flanking both American mainstream & Korean cultures, or trying to reconcile feeling disconnected from Korean culture (I feel both ways at times). So many of us clearly felt like the “outsiders” among other groups of KA women that the sheer number was comical at this particular gathering. π
- Meeting with other parents, many of them with very young children, who have gone or are going through the same issues juggling careers, multiple cultures, parents & in-laws, etc.
- Meeting articulate, well-spoken, well-read people who were not afraid to speak their minds, yet were incredibly & sincerely nice.
- Meeting for the first time some people I had been reading for months/years!
I would totally do this again. At some point, as Jomama and Karen the Californian blogged, many of us seemed to suffer from the “Holy crap, am I gonna be dressed up enough for other Korean girls?!” fear, and tried to primp up nicer than normal — several people owned up to wearing eyeliner/lipstick/etc. that they usually never wear. I had the same fears, but since I’m terrible at makeup, all I did was try my best to fill in my half-balding right eyebrow.
I got to see Shinyung, Twizzle, and Mary again, which was great! I wish I had gotten to talk to them a little more, but I got to meet new people which I enjoyed immensely. I hope we do this again! π
On a completely different note, Seppo and I have been attending classes to get ready for the baby. We are taking a 4-week series on childbirth and a 3-week series on newborn care. We really like the instructor for the newborn care class, who also happens to be the backup instructor for the childbirth class. I wish I could remember her name… Heh. I really like that she’s very non-judgmental and doesn’t appear to push a particular agenda, while presenting a multitude of options for things to try and why we might like them.
Taking the classes seems to have lit a fire under Seppo’s butt! After the first week (was that just last week??), he ran out several times during the week and the weekend to get our bag packed in case the baby comes early and is really getting into reading up on some baby-related stuff. As for me, now that I’m on leave, I’m trying to focus on getting one major thing out of the way everyday, when I’m not obsessing over how the project I was working on is going. Heh.
This blog entry has been brought to you by the letters B for boring and M for meandering. Next time, let’s hope we’ll see something from letter E for exciting and C for concise. :p
Note to self: blog about the difference between advice & help. That thought has been incubating for a while now.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-13
- Played #wordace, went to S&A to visit w T and have brunch, dropped by open house on corner of our block, and now fighting sleep. #
- RT @precentral: Delving into the development of Word Ace #palmpre #
- No one should die because they cannot afford healthcare. No one should go broke because they get sick. If you agree, please RT. #
- @bcaudill 22 to 33 is kind of a big age gap for someone her age. I am surprised he is only 33, not to say he looks old or anything. π in reply to bcaudill #
- Last night was dinner & hanging out w @bcaudill & some guy I vaguely know w no Twitter acct. π 2nite is dinner w DUC Corp. π #
- @bcaudill Same here. I slept in until noon after staying up another hour. in reply to bcaudill #
- RT @seanmadi: Word Ace Custom Deck – As I said yesterday, I started playing Word Ace on iPhone and itΓ’β¬β’s awesome. #
- Word Ace Pro just came out! Get it if you want to buy chips or support the devs. π Or play Word Ace for free. π #
- The person who went all in on @WordAce is the only one who lost. @Helava looks way too happy. #
- @nbb1 You know it! I even bought a chip pack. π in reply to NBB1 #
- @JustPete74 Awesome return of the gamer/lamer/fanboi! in reply to JustPete74 #
- @generalist Ooh, thanks for the heads up. in reply to generalist #
- @edwinss19 I've built up an extensive list of friends from anytime I play with a good opponent and only play with them. #wordace in reply to edwinss19 #
- At childbirth class. #
- Omgwtfalienbabies!! #
- Awesome! RT @WordAce: In its first 24 hours, Word Ace Pro has rocketed to #16 in Word Games and #25 in Card Games! THANK YOU! #
- The baby is now 253 days in incubation. Shout out to my 253 girls! π #
- Sooooooo excited about The Beatles: Rock Band! And jealous of @aaa for already having it. π #
- My dog is bad at spelling. #
- Back from newborn care class. #
- Loving Beatles Rock Band! @AngryChad You are definitely missing out. π #
- @marketman It's really freaking awesome. Everything about it, really. π in reply to marketman #
- USDA tries to speed new H1N1 flu vaccine for hogs #pandemics #newsrag #
- @AngryChad Beatles is all you need. You must live in opposite land. in reply to AngryChad #
- @bcaudill Very jealous! Mmm… looks tasty. in reply to bcaudill #
- Apple Adds Video Camera To iPod Nano, Cuts Prices For iPod Touch #ipod #newsrag #
- Deliberate Glitch Foils Arkham PC Pirates #batmanarkhamasylum #newsrag #
- @StephDecker What a terrible situation. I occassionally have to work with someone like that — can't imagine having a boss like that. π in reply to StephDecker #
- @MJ Can't today but my last day before baby comes is Tuesday so we should make some arrangements! π in reply to MJ #
- RT @welovegaming: Casual Fridays: Word Ace: Texas Hold 'em for the Scrabble crowd. Today, we're playing Word Ace. #
- Wow. It's raining now. Weird. #
- @MJ LOL! in reply to MJ #
- Walking around is pretty hard now. Baby's movements are getting painful. Getting a bit scared of that first contraction, whenever it happens #
- Kinda freaked out that as of Tuesday, I will officially be unemployed on paper for the first time since I started working 11 years ago. #
- @SwanL Nope, but we are fewer than 50 employees, so FMLA and CFRA don't cover me. Just found out CA PDLL might though. in reply to SwanL #
- Back from the Kimchi Mamas Bay Area meetup! Thanks for arranging, @so_yun! Wanted to go karaoke w them, but too tired. #
- Man, I just can't believe how awesome The Beatles: Rockband is. Played through 5 chapters of Story Mode w @helava tonight. He's so much fun! #
- This unemployed versus taking leave thing is really stressing me out. It's the last thing I expected to be stressed about. Can't sleep. #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-06
- I average less than 6 hours of sleep per night now. Boo. #
- I believe I may have acquired sun burn #2 for this trip yesterday… On my rear. Two bums down. *ducks rotten tomatoes* #
- @AngryChad Which Twitter app are you using to get photo uploads and links to flickr? in reply to AngryChad #
- RT @vyrin: Wow! @wordace is getting close to having 50,000 registered players after just a little over a week. Amazing! #
- @patrick_ellis Why must you so cruelly remind me if reality? π in reply to patrick_ellis #
- @westcoastbill Awesome catch! in reply to westcoastbill #
- Too hot right now. Must go in ocean. #
- Had breakfast at Fatboy's, took a nap, then played in the ocean. No honu sighting today, but saw a ton of dogs playing in the water. #
- @bcaudill Awwww! I cried a ton reading that too. in reply to bcaudill #
- A ton of noms and goid convo at the K's! Somen, Yaki onigiri, teri beef & chicken, kimchi, grilled yams, kurobota pumpkin, trifle, sherbert #
- @helava Me too. Looks pretty straightforward to make too. π in reply to helava #
- Booked one last live performance before the arrival of the baby: Green Day's American Idiot, the musical @ Berkeley Repertory Theater. Heh. #
- @generalist Sept 20, 2pm. Get tix fast – just saw news out sat or sun & many times are already sold out. Tried to book 4 tix, but failed. in reply to generalist #
- @aaa Yeah. As @patrick_ellis points out, this is just the beginning! Heh. in reply to aaa #
- @bcaudill Ouch! I hope you can find some hardcore painkillers soon. in reply to bcaudill #
- Back at Boots and Kimo's for one last hurrah. π #
- Boy, have we put on weight on our trip! :p #
- Scenic view from Pali: #
- Our beach: #
- Overlooking some mountains outside of Honolulu: #
- Waiola Shave Ice gets our noms of approval: #
- @AngryChad So sorry about the broken window. π in reply to AngryChad #
- Went to Ala Wai Park, met up w @helava's friend, went to beach, saw sunset, had dinner, returned car. Doing id verification @ HNL security. #
- Speaking loudly: strike 1. Saying she believes in reincarnation bc someone dreamt about being Cleopatra: str 2. Asking who Al Gore is: str 3 #
- On the plane, ready to leave for SFO. #
- Just landed at SFO after hours of painful swelling in hands, legs, and feet: #
- @AngryChad All the photos were staged from blown-up postcards and local eateries. in reply to AngryChad #
- Getting caught up on work email on the way home on Bart. Lots to do. #
- Wondering how I'm going to sit up in a normal chair for work/show/food/etc when having feet up for 4 hours hasn't reduced the swelling yet. #
- @bcaudill I hope your dentist treats your root canal gently and with much medication! I've had a couple myself. :-/ in reply to bcaudill #
- @hja My sister just told me on Facebook that for her, it lasted well after delivery. :O What kind of reassurance is that?! Hahah. in reply to hja #
- Returned from doc. Baby positioned head-down. π Weighed in @ 7lbs higher than two weeks ago. π Doc says mostly swelling so don't worry. π #
- RT @WordAce: Approved for the iPhone. Watch out, Pre owners – you've got some new competition! #
- My @WordAce friend code: 542626830. iPhone & Pre owners, challenge me! #
- Played a bunch of long-time friends on #wordace. It was awesome. #
- @NBB1 I didn't manage to catch you online. Next time! in reply to NBB1 #
- @NBB1 I'm not that good. Just have been playing for a long, long time. π play real people! More fun that way. in reply to NBB1 #
- Already seem to have shed 3lbs of the water retention. My feet, ankles, and legs more closely resemble that of a human being's. #
- @eisfore When are you coming to US for our girl's wedding? Are you stopping by this coast? #
- Holy surprise work baby shower, batman! #
- Thanks all! Such cute, useful things, but most of all, a reminder of how awesome you all are! #
- – Two adorable examples from a big pile of other, awesome things. #
- Dude, Penny Arcade!! RT @WordAce: RT: @PennyArcadeFeed News: Word Ace Is Out For iPhone – holy cow. Speechless! #
- @generalist Did you manage to get tux to the Green Day musical? in reply to generalist #
- Trinny & Susannah on Making Over America on TLC are oh-so-very charming. Love them! #
- 9/3 is the anniversary of my immigration to the US! It's now been 26 years. Crazy. #
- @eisfore He really is amazing. in reply to eisfore #
- RT @aaa: RT @bikeslut Happy birthday Internet!!! 40 yrs ago today @ UCLA the 1st msg was sent bw 2 computers. #
- Back is peeling… So gross! #
- Am excited for KimchiMama meetup next weekend! Thanks, @so_yun! #
- Wow, @WordAce is now #3 in iTunes app store for Card Games! #
- @RSJALLDAY – Hey, it's my bot! π (Lower left) #
- RT @thecurrentgamer: Interview with Word Ace developer goes up tonight! Stay Tuned!: #
- @bcaudill Are you going to watch that new vampire high school tv series that seems like a complete Twilight ripoff? Can't remember title… #
- Overly aggressive better on Word Ace sucked all the fun out of a couple of hands. Must remember to avoid Codey. #
- RT @WordAce: A pair of new interviews about Word Ace and Self Aware Games! Check 'em out: #
- Guess who? "Writer" is not quite right, but still! "Writer of Most Addictive Game for Pre/iPhone Breaks Silence": #
- @bcaudill Can't wait to see them! in reply to bcaudill #
- My iPhone doesn't seem to have any sound coming out of the part you hold to your ear. Got it last Monday & already had screen replaced. WTF. #
- @eisfore π It's free so no need to wait if you have an iPhone or Palm Pre. Then tell me your friend code so we can play and IM together. π in reply to eisfore #
- Worried about tomorrow's traffic, with the Bay Bridge closure. #
- My stomach looks lower. Has the baby dropped, as they say?? #
- @JustPete74 I love the band too. in reply to JustPete74 #
- Weird when people complain about not being able to use proper nouns in @WordAce. Haven't they played any word games? #
- @AngryChad LOL, I didn't mean you. I actually had thought Zen had become absorbed into the language as a common noun too. in reply to AngryChad #
- @abecedary Sounds like a delicious meal! π Mmmm… in reply to abecedary #
- I would like to eat a giant piece of chocolate right now. #
- @hja The thing with proper nouns is that I can claim "QUZAJIX" is someone's name or use local company names that are unknown nationally. in reply to hja #
- @hja Heck, I can even try to use "EINYUNG". The part I was surprised by: how many people didn't play word games, not what they didn't know. in reply to hja #
- @StephDecker I think "lying" since it's for self. π Going to rummage through my pantry now. If I find any choco, will dedicate a piece 2 u. in reply to StephDecker #
- It is awkward to get caught by someone else while you are chomping on a truly ginormous brick of semisweet baking chocolate in the morning. #
- @hja I'm sorry you couldn't play DreamWorks, but it was too long anyway. π in reply to hja #
- @AngryChad I can't wait to see the monster alien that hatches from your incubation chamber! Give it a cuddle for me! in reply to AngryChad #
- @GertieGamer Yes, you can play Word Ace between iPhones and Pres! You can add your officemates as friends within your game and play together in reply to GertieGamer #
- @NBB1 Seriously. He needs to coordinate that with a matching jacket. in reply to NBB1 #
- @mwilh – So cute!!! Are the drinks tiny too? #
- The womb monster lurches about in its dark cave: #
- @AngryChad That's one of the smaller rolls the beast engages in. He always stops when I pick up the iPhone. in reply to AngryChad #
- @bcaudill Crap, didn't know about the Mini. Sorry to hear about that. π in reply to bcaudill #
- Finally finished watching True Blood Season 1 finale. How long do I need to wait until Season 2 will be available?! #
- FINALLY. I finally completed the six degrees of Kevin Bacon game with Jason Alexander. Started this Monday while we were still in Hawaii. π #
- I just unlocked the "Adventurer" badge on @foursquare! #
- I'm at Barnes & Nobles (3900 Mowry ave., Fremont). #
- Time for a little bit of post-dinner #WordAce. #
- @canida Where was this restaurant? Recommend? Also congrats for anniversary. π in reply to canida #
- @eisfore Levitation would truly be awesome. in reply to eisfore #
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A truly awesome side effect of pregnancy
Lest you think that I only have gripes, let me tell you about something awesome.
I am nigh-invulnerable to getting carsick by reading in the car now. I mean, I’m not perfectly immune to it, but I only get slightly weird-feeling after a considerable length of time looking down at a map or directions or my iPhone *cough*WordAce*cough* whereas I used to get extremely nauseated within seconds of doing any of those things in the past.
And I mean all my life. Even if I wasn’t reading, if I had to sit in the back of a long vehicle (like a van, not a regular car) for a long time, I’d get sick. Same if I had to ride along on a long, twisty path, even if I sat right in the front passenger seat. I’d have to roll down the windows, close my eyes, and almost hang my head out the window (not really out the window, since it’s dangerous), panting and trying to keep from barfing.
But ever since about the middle of the pregnancy, possibly a little earlier, I’ve been able to do map navigation, check email, play games, or even do a few lines of reading while Seppo is driving us around.
It feels like a super power. π