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There's a first time for everything

February 12, 2009   

And last night was the time for pregnancy-induced vomiting! Win! Except not really! 🙁

This is not a drill

February 11, 2009   

Oh yes. We went to our first doctor’s visit yesterday, and we’ll be going back next week. The doctor’s test also checked out positive, and they gave us a ton of information. We’ll have to make a list of questions to ask for Tuesday, because we were kind of caught like deer in headlights yesterday. Heh.

On the drive there, I joked to the husband unit that I felt like the doctor/nurse practitioner was going to laugh hysterically at us and ask us how we could have confused a “food baby” with really being knocked up. She didn’t, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had!

Today, I am feeling like the vomit is only being held back through sheer will and my esophagus. There is a sharp burn in my chest up to my throat, and I am salivating in that “gonna vomit any second now” way that I’m familiar with from years of motion sickness. I just want to put my head down on my desk and go to sleep.

I’m totally tired, always hungry, but the more I eat, the worse my close-to-vomiting state gets, to no one’s surprise. It’s like the food is stick in my throat and my stomach is hungry because no food is reaching it. Oy. Plus, I think I’ve already gained three pounds, which is too fast, too early.

…and more!

February 5, 2009   

Also fixed the pressure cooker. 😀


Yeah. Other than that, it hasn’t sunk in on this end yet. I mean, sort of, but there’s something strangely distant about the possibility still.

Visiting Family

February 5, 2009   

My husband and I have been visiting family in an undisclosed suburban location for the last several days. The trip is from Saturday to Saturday.

My stomach had intense cramps the first few days, which made me wonder if something was going wrong with the pregnancy, then the cramps more or less stopped, which made is wonder (again) if something was going wrong with the pregnancy. Ha! Can’t win! 😀 I think it’s actually going ok though.

I feel constantly hungry. I’m embarrassingly gassy. I think it’s a combo of the pregnancy plus the daikon kimchi (white/not spicy) I’ve been eating. That stuff is potent for gaseous activity.

My mom, as expected, has dropped a couple of comments here and there about having a kid. She wrote me a letter, which was so sweet that I cried, which said stuff about how proud she was of me and incidentally *cough* mentioned that she’d like to see us welcome a little one into our family this year. It is hard to lie to the family, but I am determined to keep things under wraps until later. My sister is picking up sashimi tonight for dinner, so I’ll have to somehow figure out how to get out of eating it without attracting attention. Heh.

It’s been a fairly good visit so far. We’ve fixed the cable modem issue (with money) and have played with the kids and tried to entertain the little bro. We’ve gotten small gifts for the kids and had some tasty frozen yogurt.

My husband brought his book about expectant fathers, and I brought a Jenny McCarthy memoir about her pregnancy, which I’ve blasted through already.

The body wants what it wants

January 29, 2009   

I think I’m hungry all the time. This might be psychosomatic though.

What’s definitely not psychosomatic is the intense cramps I had last night. My stomach area had a ton of sharp pains that had me panting shallowly. I hope nothing is going wrong.

Also, now we are in Day #3 or 4 past expected period date, so it’s pretty safe to assume the tests were right and I am preggo.

Oops & making plans

January 27, 2009   

My friend Y IMed me today, curious if I had heard rumor or news regarding our mutual friend M being engaged! During our excited/happy speculations about our beloved friend, I totally spilled to her that I had seen positive pregnancy results.

Seriously, I need to keep it wrapped up! It is hard. I knew it would be hard.

I didn’t have as severe cramps today. I did, however, have increased backpain. Boo! Boo-urns! My breasts are as tender as they were several days ago. It’s all very exciting.

I took yet ANOTHER test and it also came out positive. 🙂 I called my doctor and made two appointments: one with the nurse practitioner I’ve been seeing and one with the OBGYN that I’ve never seen. It’ll be exciting to talk to them about what is going on.

We had a two-hour discussion of our budget for the coming year. It was all pretty positive and we have set some goals to see where we can improve. We discussed the possibility of welcoming a child into the world this fiscal year, as well as potentially getting a new car if we have to.

I really need to file our taxes. I am expecting the last of the papers to come in this week and next, and I’ll have them done by Valentine’s Day. That’ll make a nice little impact on our operating budget.


January 26, 2009   

I know. Ridiculous, yeah? 😀

Eating monster

January 26, 2009   

I usually turn into an eating monster a couple of days before my period. I’ve turned into an eating monster again, but who knows if this is regular PMS hunger or real pregnancy hunger.

Also, today’s visit to the falafel shop overwhelmed me with the fried smell. Paranoid, overreacting, or sensitive to smells? Who knows. Usually, it’s a smell I’d love.

The weird thing is that I keep being like, “This might just be PMS symptoms,” but I’ve read a ton of stuff, and I know hCG isn’t just going to be floating in my system for no reason. I’m familiar with chemical reagents! I know what’s going on.

And my breasts have been sensitive for days. That never lasts for more than two days.

I guess it could be ectopic or have a genetic issue that would not be viable. But still. I’m totally pregnant, right?

In real life, I am not a nervous person. I think when the doctor confirms it, I will feel like I have permission to let go of the leash on my excitement a little. 🙂

What's this cramping pain?

January 26, 2009   

I half think it’s my period coming on. I almost took another test today, but with my husband’s input, I decided to wait until tomorrow. Since I work from home tomorrow, I can also call my doctor’s office tomorrow, post-test, with some level of privacy.

Anyway, from the moment I woke up to, well, now, I’ve been having deep cramps in my stomach/belly region. It’s sort of a sinusoidal pain, cresting cyclically and making me wince. It’s definitely worse than my usual cramps but better than incapacitating food poisoning cramps.

What’s it mean? My reading seems to indicate that cramps are fairly normal at this stage, but who knows. Maybe it really just is my period coming on.

As excited as I feel, I won’t be too upset if it’s my period, but I’m really trying to pay attention to the minute details of my body, just in case I’m catching the beginnings of our first child. 🙂 I don’t want the fear of not being right keep me from being in the moment. 🙂

Also, if I were a betting person, I would guess a girl, if this pregnancy works out. 🙂 This is due to some voodoo math with the ovulation date. Dun dun dun!


January 25, 2009   

I didn’t sleep too well last night. I figured it was some combination of indigestion (I kept burping — ew!) and excitement. I couldn’t fall asleep until really late, and I couldn’t stay asleep, so I woke up at 7am, which is completely uncharacteristic.

Now, it’s 8:45pm, and I’m tucked into bed, ready to sleep! I wonder if it is all just nerves or if I am actually experiencing nausea and fatigue as pregnancy symptoms. Who knows. And who knows if they are psychosomatic or not?

I went on a walk with U today and totally lied to her face when she asked me if I had “had any luck yet”. :p Them’s the shakes at this stage of the game. Who knows if things will stick.

Even though I keep wanting to talk to someone about this, I am thinking it is best not to tell people until after 12 weeks. I don’t want to tell the families until even later, so there isn’t vast disappointment should things head south.