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Because I am paranoid

January 25, 2009   

Today, I really feel like I’m about to get my period. So I retook the cheap-o test when I woke up, which gave me a line so faint that I wasn’t sure of anything, then in the afternoon, I retook the Clearblue Easy, which gave me a faint yet distinct positive read.

It’s funny, because I keep expecting it to not be true. Like I am waiting for someone to confirm it’s true, but as we discussed last night, I guess it’s true unless something else happens to change that. So here we are: we are already pregnant.


I am both excited and weirded out. I guess it’s hard not to be. 🙂

One + and two sets of double lines

January 25, 2009   

Everything is quite faint however. The first test was at 1pm-ish. The two tests after that were at around 5:30pm. Today is 10 days after ovulation, at my best guess based on my charts. Dun dun dun!

Within the hour, I’ve, of course, created a blog, because this is how I roll. Roll! *grabs feet, rolls away*

Conferences I want to attend

January 23, 2009   

I’m going to She’s Geeky next Friday! Anyone else? I’d also like to go to the following:

I am going to actually make an attempt to attend some of these at some point. Are there any others any of you would recommend? Any that any of you are going to? She’s Geeky is a relative bargain at $69 for a day, $119 (I think) for two days. Register by tomorrow if you are going! It’s in Mountain View.

Let the Dancing Commence!

January 13, 2009   

America’s Best Dance Crew Season 3 is coming! Watch for it this Thursday. And if you miss it, it’ll rerun over and over on MTV or MTV2, so don’t worry about it. 😀

Woo hoo!!!!

Oakland Tragedy Begets Another Tragedy

January 9, 2009   

Via Becky, here’s a first hand account of things that went down at the Oakland protest over the shooting death of Oscar Grant.

This is just so tragic.

Hit and Run

January 9, 2009   

I need to post about:

  • New annual goals
  • NaNoWriMo
  • Theory about ladeez falling asleep on people’s shoulders
One day, I’ll make time. Hopefully, that time is soon.

Answer to a frequent question I’ve been getting

January 7, 2009   

Made of Happy is a private project and has nothing at all to do with anything like work. I do it on my private time and I do it so that I can have inject some overt and intentional positivity to my day. I do it because it makes me happy, not for any profit.

And sorry I’ve been shamelessly plugging it so much. Heh. It’s just very difficult to contain my enthusiasm for the project. Some days, it is kind of depressingly difficult to find positive stuff, so I end up with news from months ago, but it’s still nice to dig up stories of people being good to one another.

It is a fundamental and abiding belief of mine that people are generally good or have the capacity for good in them. I’ve grown cynical over the years, but I still think people are capable of much generosity and kindness. I hope I haven’t made you gag. :p Heh.

So much backlog

January 6, 2009   

So much happened since 11/4. I have wanted to blog so often about mundane topics, but it never felt right because I couldn’t not blog about such a momentous occasion in favor of speaking about relationships or cute puppies or whatnot.

The last couple of months in brief:

We carved some pumpkins with A&B.

We cried all evening/night when Obama won.

We marched on Sacramento with K&N over the indescribable travesty of Prop 8 passing.

We protested in Oakland.

We celebrated Thanksgiving and birthdays (no pics of friends to protect your privacy).


November 5, 2008   

Note: I found this draft in my blogspot posts from the day after the elections, so I finished it up, finally.

I feel like Americans of our generation don’t have a lot of experience with positive history being made. What are the major historic milestones you can remember happening your lifetime?

I remember the Challenger explosion.
I remember hearing about the Iran-Contra Affair.
I remember the line “No New Taxes” and “A Thousand Points of Light”.
I remember the Berlin Wall coming down and the subsequent unification of Germany.
I remember the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
I remember Bill Clinton playing the sax on tv and I remember the song, “Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow”.
I remember NAFTA coming into effect.
I remember Waco.
I remember the Oklahoma Bombing.
I remember the Unabomber.
I remember the media circus of the Clinton impeachment.
I remember the travesty of the 2000 stolen election.
I remember the horror and fear of 9/11.
I remember the outpouring of world sympathy and the sense of united & shared tragedy.
I remember the start of the war in Afghanistan.
I remember the start of the war in Iraq.
I remember seeing a picture of Saddam Hussein’s fallen statue.
I remember the tsunami and the world coming together to help.
I remember the incomprehensible horrors of Katrina and the aftermath and how the world opened up to us once more with compassion.

I will certainly remember the election night of the first black (and multiracial!) President as one of the most amazing historic moments in my life. This is the day that made me envision a whole new future for America.


November 4, 2008