No, this is not an entry about my joining the nunnery or anything. I have finally broken my dvd buying habit. I’ve weaned myself off the incessant book-buying too. On top of that, I’ve even broken my Survivor habit. Yay! Unfortunately, the AI habit rages on, taking over more and more of my weekday life. I just know it will be on five times a week at some point.
I call Bo to win this season.
Yesterday, I went to the big shopping center in Walnut Creek with Uyen. It was a gorgeous day, so we ate lunch outside and generally lazed about. It was a good time. We found out much too late that Nordstrom’s was having a fashion show and makeover demos all day long. The first floor was littered with little makeup stations and people getting makeup tips. I am bummed I missed it.
We took Mobius to the beach today. He’s a good doggy companion for us. I hope he learns to swim one day.