seven years
And no itch! 😀 Today is Seppo and my seven year anniversary. Yay! 🙂 I love that man.
I had a bunch of updates, but I had to reboot before I got to save it because of some horrible computer problems. My laptop has been plaguing me and my IT department for a full solid week now. It is humiliating, as well as frustrating, because I’m sure they think I’m doing something to my computer and not telling them about it. The typical user error and PEBKAC* condition.
The last few weeks have been full of great food and company. It was kicked off by a dinner at Alan & Becky’s house. We were inspired by the delicious food (I was really impressed by their fantastic use of ginger, which I’m really clueless about) and the fun we had eating together (I hope we can get a real table one day), so Seppo and I have been on a roll recently. Holly came up for Presidents’ Day Weekend, and we lazed about, mainly indoors because of the rain. It was so good to see her. Even when I haven’t seen her in a while, I feel like I can say whatever to her and she’ll understand. She’s really awesome. Seppo & I made our first “plated” dinner for a small group of people who had come over to see Holly.
That was followed by a 1-yr anniversary celebration of the day that Mobi joined our household. Shush! I don’t want to hear it. Heh. We invited Seppo’s mom over for dinner, and she brought over a little fluffy bunny for Mobi.
Last week, Lindsi invited us over for some of that mochi chicken for dinner. It was so good that I must have eaten a good pound and a half by myself. Damn, that is some good chicken. We invited her and D over for dinner on Sunday evening, and served french bread with some truffle cheese, reduced balsamic vinegar, and two pestos (sun-dried tomato and basil) for appetizers, and parmesan-crusted salmon with asparagus and mashed potatoes (garnished with a parmesan crisp) and salad for the main meal. Oh yes, the pestos were for the main dish but we had so much left over that I served it with the bread. I think it would have been improved had we served the salmon with a squeeze of lemon or a splash of white wine during cooking to give it a little brightness. Possibly, the reduced balsamic could have replaced the sun-dried tomato pesto for the same reason. Anyway, we are still working out the kinks. It was really nice sitting back with them for a while and hanging out. So much fun.
We also went to dinner with Sean and Hoa to a very tasty small Japanese restaurant in San Carlos. Eat eat eat. Chomp chomp chomp. Man, they are fun to chill with.
Next week, we are making dinner for Alex and Tracy, I think. The date hasn’t been finalized yet, but he agreed to it already, so too bad. Heh. Gotta figure out what to cook though.
Seppo’s dad is coming in to town today, so we are going to have dinner with them on Saturday. His b-day just passed, so we better go buy something tomorrow. Eek!
*Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
I’m sorry, but I can’t read your blog any longer. I mean, I just ate dinner like two hours ago and I’m already hungry again. You and Seppo are going to make me fat.
Ok maybe I will keep reading, but only if you START POSTING THE RECIPES.