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December 2005

I am getting on my own nerves

December 15, 2005   

When I am excited about something, I can’t shut up about it. I keep catching myself telling the same four (or so) people about my ongoing, very-slow-but-steady weight loss by watching my portion sizes. And it’s getting to the point that I’m getting on my own nerves. It must drive others insane.

So here is my update, then I’ll shut up until next year. 😀 Since 10/18, I’ve lost 5.5 lbs! And that’s with the T-day weekend, lots of friends suddenly visiting (which inevitably means eating out at delicious restaurants), and eating desserts and seconds — just in slightly smaller quantities from before. This just means that instead of two or three slices of deep dish pizza for dinner, I’ll just have one and a half. Or I’ll eat a truffle, but not three. Or I’ll get seconds, but my second plate is slightly smaller than usual. And I never leave a meal feeling less than pleasantly full, as opposed to more than disgustingly full as I used to.

The best thing is that I’m becoming more interested in what I taste now, with an emphasis on flavor and variety rather than quantity. Out at dinner the other day, instead of just an entree, I got a soup, a salad, and an appetizer-sized plate of pasta, plus had some dessert (I think). I’m really enjoying the idea of small plates and/or tapas. If only all restaurants were tapas or dimsum style… That would be so awesome.