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December 2005

May the fours be with you

December 28, 2005   

I hate myself for my blog entry title. But I couldn’t help myself.

From A_B:

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: [senior] software engineer, web applications developer, private tutor, newspaper deliverer. I think that’s actually all my jobs, except florist assitant and billiard club drink deliverer/ball & table vacuumer/polisher.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Stand By Me, Grease, The Breakfast Club, The Sound of Music. I used to watch these movies every time they were on tv. And now that I own them, I watch them less. But I could probably sit through another twenty viewings each on them.

Four places you’ve lived: Bay Area (San Jose and Oakland), Boston Area (Cambridge and Boston), Philadelphia, and New York. The only places left are the 3-4 places I lived in Korea.

Four TV shows you love to watch: This list always changes. When I look at profiles for random websites (like friendster), I’m always surprised by what I had previously listed as my favorites at the time. But for all-time favorites, it would be Coupling, Seinfeld, Twin Peaks, and Hell’s Kitchen. This year’s go-to shows were/have been Hell’s Kitchen, Rock Star: INXS, What Not to Wear, and Desperate Housewives. Oh, and Prison Break. Hmm, and My Name is Earl. And Everybody Hates Chris. I keep violating the rule of four. Sorry Lost, but you fell off the list.

Four places you’ve been on vacation: Here is one I won’t violate. 😀 Let’s see… Korea. Er… I’ve visited family in Atlanta. And in Philadelphia. Oh, and I’ve been back to Boston. Sheesh. That’s it. That’s sad. Vietnam and even Canada were for work, so they don’t count.

Four websites you visit daily: The Gamers’ Forum, Google Reader, my “friends” link on Livejournal set up solely to track friends’ locked entries, one of the many travel sites I have bookmarked. I am cheating with Google Reader because that’s my aggregator. If I had to figure out what I hit the most within my aggregator, lately, it’s Seppo’s site, A_B’s site, AngryChad’s site, and Cute Overload, because they update the most frequently of people I know.

Four of your favorite foods: galbi, dwen jang jjigae with LOTS and LOTS of tofu (mmmmmmm tofu), odeng gook, dduk gook.

Four places you’d rather be: Any warm beach with white white sand with clear blue water, with my nieces, with my group of high school girlfriends, eating food with my best friend who does a little happy dance when she’s eating something truly tasty.

Four albums you can’t live without: Let’s not get dramatic here; I can certainly live without any specific album. But the ones I enjoy the most over time are Bon Jovi’s New Jersey, The Temptations’ Greatest Hits (cheat!), The Commitments’ soundtrack, and Jude’s Nobody Is Really Beautiful. I would have included something by New Order, but I sort of tired myself out on them in the first year of having my iPod. It’s my own fault. Plus, seeing them in concert really threw me off.