ice skating madness.
How weird. The worlds have collided. Ice skating + reality competition = Skating with Celebrities.
If Scott Hamilton, Kurt Browning, and Dorothy Hamill were not involved in this production, there was a slim chance I could avoid its magnetic lure. But sadly for me, they are!!!one!!!111 And I love them so. Ice skating was the one event I watched obsessively in the Olympics.
The weird thing is that this one woman from some Fox show (NFL Sunday??) is really doing well for an amateur. She even did pirouettes! Very nice, woman.
I am hooked! I absolutely adore Kurt Browning and even made Alan take me to a Discover Stars on Ice many, many years ago just so I could watch him.
Reading this entry and these responses makes me want to disown you all.
Bah! 🙂
Do you not love Kurt Browning?? Do you like the mall?!!
Jillian Barberie. Back in the 90’s she was the weather girl on the SoCal Fox channel. Since then, she has become Fox’s spokeswoman.
From what I gather, she is the only one with previous experience. Others have skating experience (ice hockey, rollerskates), but I think Jillian actually did performance when she was much much much younger.
My fav is Bruce Jenner and Tai Babilonia. Bruce gives 200%. And Tai doesn’t do too much superfluous crap to try and impress the judges. (Random thought: up until now, I looked at that word and tried to pronounce it: super-flow-us).