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random thoughts

January 25, 2006   

I started to blog about the everyday advantage of not being ugly, but it sounded really weird and I couldn’t adequately convey my feelings of how unfair it is to be jugded so harshly (in the case of being homely) on something you have no control over. So I dumped it.

Man, I love prosciutto. And boy, I love having a pepper grinder at work.

Having a little space heater under my desk is wonderful (keeps me warm) but horrible (I hate the idea of having a heater in a building that overcools). Such waste! 🙁 I do throw on my jacket or sweatshirt to try to keep the heater off, but it is just too cold in my office.

Seppo and I are going to go for a tasting at the wedding/reception venue this Friday with Seppo’s mom. I hope the stuff is good.

On Monday, we bought Mobi a dog bed, as Seppo mentioned. It’s been wonderful. The last two nights of sleep have been so wonderful. I have woken up feeling refreshed and rested. I even felt the slightest bit chipper this morning, and, as I am not a morning person, this was a rare event indeed. Yay!

I made a breakthrough on a problem I’m working on at my job. Yay!

Yesterday was supposedly the most depressing day of the year. At least, if you live in Britain and you are not suffering from some other depression already. Or something vague like that. I like how they posted a formula, like that will validate it once and for all. Heh.

I have to start thinking about a birthday gift for Seppo. It seems like this year, with our wedding coming up, Valentine’s day is somewhat of a non-starter. It seems anti-climactic, frankly. Usually, it’s not a day we celebrate with any gusto, anyway. Our anniversary, which is in early March, usually takes higher precedence. 🙂

My high school friends from Philly are all ditching their husbands/S.O.s/babies to come visit for our wedding! Woo hoo! I hope I get to hang out with them. I’ve missed those girls.

January 25, 2006 at 3:13 pm

Coming from someone who knows, being hot does have it’s advantages…


January 25, 2006 at 4:05 pm

At first, I thought you were referring to the heater! 😀

January 25, 2006 at 4:25 pm

Still wearing those nose strips when you sleep? That plus only sharing your bed with a human instead of a human plus a dog must be like a whole new world of sleep for you.

January 25, 2006 at 7:04 pm

It really is a whole new world. I love life.

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