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A look back

April 17, 2006   

Ah, reminiscing. So much fun. It feels like just yesterday that we were in London on our honeymoon. Ah yes, it was because we were.

Thanks to Becky, Edy, Eini, Anny, MJ, and Rye-Jin, we’ve been able to see some of the pics from the wedding, while honeymooning. And boy, have I mooned a lot of honeys in Europe! I have personally ruined the American reputation abroad. Just kidding. That’s already too late. 😀

Here is one for those of you who could not attend:

Credit: Edy

Yeah, aren’t we cute? Hee hee. ^_^

Personally, I am entertained by this one:

Credit: MacFadyen

Sorry about the jaggedness of the pics; I was lazy and just posted the pics as 90% of their real size just so they will fit on the webpage.

I am going to endeavor to do a blog-entry-per-day review of London & Paris, delayed by a week or so, so watch this space. 🙂

Thanks to all of you for making the wedding a fun, kick-ass, memorable, touching event for me & Seppo. We love you.

April 17, 2006 at 5:39 pm

The resolution of the first pic is making my eyes bleed.

April 17, 2006 at 8:03 pm

So excited to see you guys back!

April 17, 2006 at 9:48 pm

What’s funny is that the real events weren’t too far off from the photoshopped image, hehe.

Hope you guys are having a blast over there. Don’t come back unless you have tens of GBs worth of images! 🙂

April 18, 2006 at 12:38 am

The resolution of the first pic is making my eyes bleed.

Here are the originals (or as uploaded): Us on bench and Photoshopped us.

Now stop whining or I’ll beat you with a tire iron. <-- Man, these Parisians have made me tough.

April 18, 2006 at 8:37 am

Sweet, thanks!

That picture is great. It really tells a story of the day.

April 19, 2006 at 10:49 pm

Seppo looks like Euro Trash Joe ™

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