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move it

April 4, 2006   

I am supposed to move into my new window cube today. No, really. Ok, if not today, maybe in three weeks when I get back from vacation. Hee hee. Either way, I don’t care.

Speaking of moving it, Seppo and I have been going to the Y four times a week, except last week when we only went three times. Yesterday, I noticed that my heart was able to sustain a significantly faster workout pace at the range of bpm I was targetting than just three weeks ago. As a result, I was able to work out to the point where my body was actually feeling it. Up until end of last week, the limiting factor for my workouts was not my muscle strength or endurance, but my weak cardiovascular system. So I’d work out, work up a sweat, and keep my heart in the cardio zone, but not really feel anything in the muscles.

So I’ve reached one noticeable benchmark. It’s nice. Also, my calves have a lot more definition, and my legs in general feel more muscular. I’m planning to get HUUUUUGE so that I scare little children. Look at my Hulk-like shoulders! *rips through back of jacket* Roar!

Maybe not.

April 4, 2006 at 3:08 pm


April 4, 2006 at 3:43 pm

I won’t mind if you completely ignore the following:

If you guys are anything like me, and sadly, Seppo is A LOT like me (sadly for who?), 4 days a week is a lot. That has burn out written all over it, if we’re talking about me or my dopplegangers.

My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that you guys haven’t had a regular work-out routine in the past.

April 4, 2006 at 3:55 pm

It’s totally new to me, but not to Seppo, just not for a while since his major injuries became problems. 🙂

I think that if I don’t change up my routine too much, I can stick to a 30-min workout four times a week because it’s made so little of a difference in our daily routine. I know that if something is a big change, then I can’t really stick to it, but little changes seem to work for me.

H suggested here that I add some exercises to my routine, which will add roughly 15 minutes, but I know I will not work that into my schedule yet because going from a 1-hr (30 minutes of which is workout, 5 min is cooldown, and the rest is changing/showering) routine to a 1.25 hour routine would change too much of our day. In order for me to realistically stick to things, I prob won’t change things up or add anything for a good half-year.

I think this lesson was really vivid with the change in eating habits. I’m not eating *much* better, only a little bit, which is the only way it works for me — because I don’t feel the change. 🙂

Yay for slackerliness! 😉

April 4, 2006 at 3:57 pm

I should clarify that I really did appreciate the suggestion though and it is something I do plan to incorporate, just not yet. 😀

April 4, 2006 at 4:01 pm

In response to A_B’s good point…

Eh. They will be married a week or so and it’ll all be downhill from there anyway, so don’t fret.


April 4, 2006 at 8:48 pm

I vow to keep them motivated and on a regular workout schedule. It’s nice to see them both motivated to get some exercise and, nothing personal Ei-Nyung, it is nothing short of fantastic to hear that Seppo is once again in the pool. I’ve felt for a long time that he need to do something to get back into shape, and am just thrilled that he’s doing it. I predict much happiness from the working out. Of course you could have the problem that H and I have with it, an addiction.

April 4, 2006 at 9:20 pm

Oh nononono, I do not deal well with people trying to motivate me. In fact, it is the fastest and easiest deterrent to anything I do, to try to motivate me. I know myself and know that I only enjoy it — furthermore, actually push myself — when I am the only one pushing. The best motivation comes from within.

You can feel free to motivate Seppo though. 😀 He says he responds well to external motivation.

April 5, 2006 at 1:51 pm

4 days a week is fine. Burnout for me is 6 and I strive for five, but one of those five is always a day of tennis.

Right now I’m at two days of two hours of tennis and two days of an hour gym, but I’m breaking even because I’m eating like a fatty.

January into February was like the dawn of a new era around here, but one vacation and BAM! I’ve reverted.

I’m going to flickr before and after picks to keep me motivated. At the very least, I’ve got to stop eating crap.

April 5, 2006 at 3:17 pm

I feel bad, because I promised to help keep them (or Seppo more specifically) motivated, but haven’t had time to do squat =\ Hell, I’ve exercised so little lately, I’ve put on 5 lbs and that’s *with* losing all my muscle mass…

April 6, 2006 at 10:11 am

I’ve actually gotten not one but two coworkers to sign up for triathlons. I feel like a drug dealer.

It’s kind of like when you see a movie or hear a band and you really like it; you want to tell all your friends about it so they can get the same enjoyment out of it as you do. Eating well and exercising regularly and getting stronger and faster is just like that, it makes you want to evangelize. 😀

Good for you, Ei-Nyung, for knowing yourself and what you need to say “no” to in order to stay on track. Yay to Kero for staying on track with exercising (maybe just make the promise to yourself of one clean meal a day to start?). Cheesy, your jet-setting self has at least some excuse for not getting into the gym. 🙂

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