Bye bye Bro-die
We took the little brother to the airport this morning. I was about to write that he’s in the air now, but having just rechecked the flight status, I can only say that he’s probably sitting on the runway in the plane.
He visited for three weeks. I wish it had been longer. He’s a good kid. He did all the work I asked him to, without audible (heh) complaint: help around the household, go with me to my work and help around, assist with camping supplies/setup/food/cleanup, walk the dog with me, etc.
I think we had some really good conversations. I got to know him more, not just as a little tiny tot in my head that I see for a few days every year, but the real teen-aged kid that he is. It was really, really nice.
I got to show him around to some of my friends’ companies and give him some exposure to things he might think are interesting, for now or for later when he thinks back on it. I got to spend time with him and discuss politics, current events, music, animals, and any number of other ordinary things, which to me was extraordinary because this is exactly the kind of run-of-the-mill ordinary interaction that I have never really had with him in the past.
And he’s got a wacky sense of humor. 🙂
Thanks to all my friends who were kind to him and showed him around! You guys rock!
I miss him already.
It was really neat to meet him. I’m glad I work at a place that is fun to show off.