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Always changing

February 25, 2010   

The baby is always changing. That is so obvious, but it’s amazing how fast things happen. So many changes so quickly means that I feel like I’m meeting a whole new baby every couple of weeks or even days, and it’s exciting. But it also means that I’m saying good-bye to the old baby, with his tiny baby-ness and his blobby silliness.

He sort of, kind of, maybe sat up by himself earlier this week. He can sit, hunched forward, hands at his sides and touching the floor, perfectly balanced for about 2 seconds before listing to the side drunkenly. 🙂 And after weeks of munching intently on his hands and our knuckles, he’s sprouted two tiny teeth on the bottom! Wow! I need to get a picture to post soon. I think his left tooth emerged on Monday then the right one came in on Tuesday or Wednesday. The edges feel like a dull saw blade as new teeth do.

He’s also been more intentional in his grabbing lately. I read that he’s most likely developing a sense of depth perception about now, and that along with better motor control means that he can grab things better than before. Before, he was just flailing his limbs randomly toward (or even away from) the objects of his desire, but now he looks at them and slowly tries to bring his hand or hands to them. Oddly enough, he’s been doing this with my hand and fingers. We sometimes lie under the mobile over our bed and sing a simple song I made up that goes, “This is a circle, this is a circle, squiggly little worms, squiggly little worms. This is a kitty cat, this is a kitty cat, with triangle ears, triangle ears,” etc. It’s mostly nonsensical but I point at various different pictures while singing these lines. Lately, as I am gesturing at the pictures, he’ll slowly bring his hands up and grab my hand, then ever so slowly, bring my hand to his face and open mouth, at which point, he’ll release my hand instead of chomping on it, then start over again. He seems to enjoy this game and that is good enough, even if I don’t understand it! 😀 He also does this with my elbow while I change him on his changing pad.

Ooh, another thing he does is now blow raspberries on my neck and on my cheek. Right before the teeth came out, he often pressed his mouth/jaw against whatever was close by, like my hand, his fists, my neck, the bed (which is quite alarming to me, as it looks like he’s trying to smother himself against the bed), etc. While doing this, he just spontaneously figured out he can blow little fart sounds on my neck. It’s hilarious! At least to me.

It’s like I’m trying to capture all these memories on paper (and in photos) as fast as I can, knowing that these phases are passing and that he’ll keep changing, and I’ll eventually forget some of these tiny, adorable details. Yeah, well, it’s exactly that. No one else might care to read this, but it is some comfort to me that I’m writing these things down so that I can remember.

He’s just amazing. I love him so much.

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