Stuff Our 9-month Old Does
July 22, 2010
- Make mom and dad laugh every single day
- Pick up small bits of food and put them in his mouth
- Raise his arms up to indicate he’d like to be picked up
- Pull himself up from lying down to fully standing, using whatever is around
- Roll around amazingly quickly
- Crawl (albeit awkwardly) to the objects of his desire, usually things he shouldn’t touch 😀
- Vocally express when he doesn’t want to get out of his high chair because he wants more food
- Make fart sounds on himself, mom, and dad
- Recognize that the painting of Mobi is Mobi (whoa, right?)
- Make the following sounds: baba, pff, yodel-yodel, lalalala
- Smear food all over his face
- Bang any two things together to make sounds
- Pull levers, push buttons, spin spinny things, shake rattles
- Jump in his jumper, even rotating himself at will
- Slap low-five (his high five doesn’t quite have a slap quality yet)
All in all, we are do amazed by his progress everyday! Here is a cute little video of him at the park last month.
1 Comment
He’s yodeling?! Brilliant.