Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-25
July 25, 2010
- @mworch That is ridiculously adorable. in reply to mworch #
- Picked up cold meds for bro, throat spray for @helava, now grabbing lunch. #
- @mworch I hate Objective C. in reply to mworch #
- Home with the worst aches that I can remember. What biologically causes aches during a bout of cold? Feeling bruised and strained all over? #
- Spilled my water bottle all over the bed so I can't even rest on it. I'm so clumsy. Off the put stuff in the wash… #
- @selfawaregames That would have worked as an actual palindrome if you had said, "A man, a flan, a canal: Fanama". Not that it'd make sense. in reply to selfawaregames #
- There is a watermelon in our backyard the size of a small lime. Cute. #
- Took two naps so far today. Still feel exhausted and bruised all over, but I'm maxed out on ibuprofen. #
- Teeny weeny watermelon. #
- Flu has moved on from achy and feverish to shivering cold. Well, still pretty dang achy… Apparently need to ingest high potassium foods. #
- Downing spinach like a madwoman as it is supposedly better than banana for K:Na ratio. Also extra bundled to stop shivering. #
- Shivers gave way to burning hot fever and coughs. So much head pressure that even my teeth hurt. #
- @NBB1 When I was about 4, my much older cousin would hold me under the water at the local stream, multiple times. It was so terrifying. in reply to NBB1 #
- @abecedary LOL! No one could hate Max. 🙂 in reply to abecedary #
- This is the first time that I remember ever losing my voice. It's not entirely gone yet, but it's pretty close. It's weird. #
- @abecedary Awesome to hear your travel gear has been found! in reply to abecedary #
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