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June 2006

Stuff I "need"

June 13, 2006   

Do I really need them? Nah. “Want” is probably a better word for it. But these are the things I should try to get:

  • New running shoes. My current sneakers are in such poor shape that they actually are hampering my exercising.
  • An under-the-desk basket, so I can do what this person did. Maybe several baskets, actually.
  • New jeans. Most of them are either way too small or way too baggy. Nothing fits.
  • A haircut. It’s summer and it’s been years since I’ve had a really short haircut. It’s about time for a real change and it would even be helpful in reducing my post-workout shower time, as washing, conditioning, and drying long hair is a real pain in the ass as compared to taking care of shorter hair.

Stuff I shouldn’t get:

  • New computer. I really don’t need one and the one I have is totally fine.
  • New car. I keep cruising on Edmunds, but we are going to inherit one soon, so we are fine.
  • New dog. I keep thinking Mobi could use a friend, but you should never get a pet (or a child, for the love of monkey) for any secondary reasons that don’t involve actually wanting to commit to raising the pet for the duration of its life.
  • New books. I have books I am borrowing from people and still dozens of books I bought and never read. I am starting to make a bag of books to donate.

I like that all the stuff I decided I should get are things that help to improve my life rather than clutter it up.