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June 2006

Unbelievably small!

June 22, 2006   

Seppo got me one of these beautiful things

as an early birthday present! It is so wee! So lovely! So tiny. Also, potentially crushable, so I had better be super-careful with it. It is silly how small and fragile it looks. I’ll have to get a nice protective case for it, maybe an armstrap for when I go to the gym.

Speaking of the iPod nano and the gym, I think this partnership between Nike sneakers and Apple is a great idea. I think since I am looking for good running shoes anyway, I may splurge for the shoes and the iPod sport kit. It’s not for people who already have heartrate-and-more monitor watches, but since I am not one of those people, I think it could be a good purchase. Monitoring heartrate is a huge deal though, so I’ll have to think about whether given that I now have a nano and need to get sneakers, if this purchase will be worth it. It’s only $29.95* for the Sport Kit so it might be a good gamble.

Still need to ponder…

Anyway, muchas gracias, Seppo! 😀

*ETA: That’s the cost on top of a new pair of running shoes, Sport Kit-able or not. 🙂

So You Think You Are a Fangirl?

June 22, 2006   

I haven’t seen last night’s show yet, as Seppo and I had quite the delicious, yummy, lip-smacking, mm-mm-good dinner last night at Gochi along with Seppo’s parents [review on our foodblog is forthcoming], but I caught this clip of the SickStep crew via


I hear it was a good show. I hear Benji & Donyelle rocked again. Looking forward to it. 😀