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June 2006

San Francisco International GBT Film Festival

June 12, 2006   

It’s the 30th year, from June 15th to 25th. Woo! Anyone interested in seeing something or another? I usually enjoy the shorts quite a bit. Let me know via comment or email if you wanna go.

Marine World

June 12, 2006   

Over the weekend, Seppo & I went to Six Flags Marine World with Klay & Nana. We arrived pretty close to opening time 10am and left shortly after 5pm. That’s about 7 hours of non-stop crazy rides, bizarre amounts of junk food, and back-to-back animal exhibitions. By “non-stop crazy rides” I actually mean like… 4 rides. Maybe 5. Man, I am just not a kid anymore. Between the rides and the greasy food, I felt so bleh!

Wait. I have this bizarre sense of deja vue. It’s almost as though I’ve done this before… Oh wait, I have. Hee hee. It’s only been 10 months. You think we would have learned our lesson, but clearly not.


June 5, 2006   

You have been really busy with deep thoughts as you are
hitting the big 3-0.

– Friend to me via email re: stuff on my blog lately

As much as I’ve protested that I’m not “freaking out” at the prospect of turning 30, my recent blog history does say that perhaps I have been doing a lot more introspection regarding my life recently. I had chalked it up to feeling reenergized from the honeymoon, but I think my friend is right.

Bill O’Reilly gets called on his disgusting slander

June 2, 2006   

From Angry Chad:

Ok let’s just settle this once and for all. Fox News lies, alot, and Bill O’Reilly is an ignorant jackass. One Good Move has a clip of Keith Olbermann calling out Bill O’Reilly for blatantly lying about the tradgedy at Malmedy, twice, and Fox News for covering it up. Disgusting.

Thanks for the link, Steph.